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  1. Someonebeatmetowunderkind

    Ever hear "Narnia is the dumbest Movie Ever"?

    Have any of you run into that response? A friend's 5 year old little girl was watching Narnia on Easter. I asked her how she liked it, and before she could answer (Turns out she loves it), her 14 year old cousin piped up with "OH, that's the dumbest movie EVER!" I just don't understand such...
  2. Someonebeatmetowunderkind

    do you suppose heaven...

    do you suppose heaven could be a strawberry/grape slushie and a pizza with everything on it??? i dunno, but it sure hits the spot
  3. Someonebeatmetowunderkind

    Drop the video Games! It's time for a better one

    never mind I had an idea, and on second though it can wait
  4. Someonebeatmetowunderkind

    Does anyone else get homesick?

    I just read the Chronicles of Narnia again, and I am wondering. Does anyone else get a heartache as they turn those last few pages and realize it's the end, and there will never be anymore?...or do i just have issues?:)