A Sudden Apperance

Susan tried to scream but she couldn't. As she hit the icy water, she heard her brothers yell her name.
She thrashed around under the water as she sunk down and down, her eyes shut tight against the water. She opened her eyes and tried to swim toward the light above her - she was a very good swimmer. But her feet were tied together so it was nearly impossible. She began to sink again and was losing air in her lungs. She glanced around and, though it was very hard to see underwater with the naked eye, she spotted a blunt sword stuck in the sand. She had no idea how it got there, but she swam as fast as she could with tied-up legs toward it. She fit the sword between her wrists and began to try and cut the bonds loose. A few seconds later, her hands were free. She quickly untied her leg bonds and she swam quickly upward. Her head broke the surface of the dark water and she gasped in gulps of air.
"Susan!" said Peter. He stuck out a hand to his sister, and Edmund rushed forward to help.
"Get off her!" yelled the hodded man. He reached out and grabbed Susan around the waist. She screamed and grabbed her brothers' hands. They tugged her into their boat.
She sat their, shaking with fear and cold. Peter hugged her tight as Edmund began to row away from the man's boat. Susan began to cry gently.
"It's ok, Su," whispered Peter. "We've got you. Ed and I have you safe."
While all this was happening, Lucy was snug in Mr Tumnus' cave, telling him the whole story.
"...and now, Peter and Edmund are off trying to save her, just like boys!" said Lucy, finishing at last. She took a sip of the tea Mr Tumnus had handed her a while ago and set it down, looking thoughtful.
"I suppose they were doing the right thing, though," she sighed a minute later. "Leaving me - I mean."
Mr Tumnus took a bite of a cake. He chewed and swallowed. "You could have been hurt, Daughter Lucy of Eve."
"Or kidnapped myself," said Lucy. She set down her teacup. She glanced out the window. "Peter told me to stay here, he said he would come and get me when they've got her."
Tumnus nodded, setting down his teacup, too. He stood up, clip-clopped over to the fireplace mantle, and picked up a small hand mirror. He glanced in his reflection, began to turn, but quickly looked back in the mirror.
"Aah!" he yelled. Lucy didn't have time to turn before a cold hand clamped around her mouth. She screamed, but it was muffled against the hand.
"Daughter of Eve!" cried Tumnus.