
oxford girl

New member
I dont know if this is the right spot to put this. But I was just wondering if anyone else has pirate ancestors or is part rolyalty
Sorry, no pirate ancestors that I am aware of. On my father's side of the family, they were gypsies from the old country.

On my mother's side we can trace back to the ancient celtic druids of England and Wales.
Kaspick sounds German though, not a traditional Romany name. I've actually studied a great deal of gypsy culture. They must have changed their name when coming to America.
LifeMaiden said:
Kaspick sounds German though, not a traditional Romany name. I've actually studied a great deal of gypsy culture. They must have changed their name when coming to America.

Kaspick is definately not German. However, the name was changed when the family came to the U.S. back in the early 1800s. No one knows why it was changed or from exactly what it was changed from. One record from Romania shows the last name of Katišić. It may have been changed from that, but no one in the family knows for sure.
AHHHH I would love to chat with you about your romany background

Do you speak Romany at all? As I know you speak

I am a gadje, the non gypsy.
LifeMaiden said:
AHHHH I would love to chat with you about your romany background

Do you speak Romany at all? As I know you speak

I am a gadje, the non gypsy.

I don't speak andy Romany at all. Sorry. I would love to learn though. In fact, to tell the truth, my mother divorced my dad when she was pregnant with me. I never knew him. It wasn't until a few years ago that I discovered I had a sister I didn't know existed. We corresponded and then we met and have become close. It is through her I have what knowledge I have gained of my family. She lives in Pennsylvania (where I'm originally from and spent the first 24 years of my life) and when she comes out to visit her son again in California, she hopes to bring me some more history of the family on my father's side.
Since Gypsies have been mentioned:

I support a missionary couple named Ron and Sue Bates, who operate shelters in Romania. The people they have led to Jesus include numerous Gypsies, who upon conversion are startling everyone around them by NOT stealing anymore.
oxford girl said:
Thats cool, I'm related to pirates and I am related to some queen from Irland
OMG! Now, I must bow down to OG, because she is related to one of my queens.

I'm not related to pirates nor royalty as far as I know of, but I am related to a guy who was hanged in Ireland like, centuries ago! He's one of me ancestors.
Umm, no pirates or royalty. I am related to Charles Dickens, much as I don't like to say it, on my dad's side. On my mom's I'm related to Cherokee that came over on the Trail of Tears, and on both sides I'm related to Germans and English. Oh, I'm also related to a jailer of the Mormons :D
Copperfox said:
I support a missionary couple named Ron and Sue Bates, who operate shelters in Romania. The people they have led to Jesus include numerous Gypsies, who upon conversion are startling everyone around them by NOT stealing anymore.

They stole primarily at one time because they couldn't afford to buy food, but then later they started ripping off ( that's where the word GYP came from) a lot of unsuspecting tourists in various ways. They're a fascinating culture that has been long misunderstood. Try watching CURSE ON THE GYPSIES was on the history channel, a two hour special that depicted the long, cruel history of the gypsies, whose origin was traced to Northern India and to a warrior caste, and whose language is based primarily on Sanskrit.
QueenSusanofNarnia said:
OMG! Now, I must bow down to OG, because she is related to one of my queens.

I'm not related to pirates nor royalty as far as I know of, but I am related to a guy who was hanged in Ireland like, centuries ago! He's one of me ancestors.

lol you dont have to bow down to me