another harry potter rpg but its different

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"i quite doubt that i clearly remember last year slytherin lost 10 to 140 to ravenclaw when davies was captain" stella said
stella rolled her eyes "you know you think of yourself much too highly just because one person was sick dousint effect all the quidditch players" stella said
He grabbed her hand and walked with her turds the dance floor :)D) he started to dance with her he leaned slightly to her ear and whispered..."I reallly cant stand Draco.."

"I know," Cho said quietly. "Just look what he's doing to my best friend." She swayed with the music.
"I don't know, you just look a little distressed. Not that I blame you." He glanced at Draco. "What do you say we go outside and get some fresh air?"
"Alright, I won't be weird." He smiled and held the door open for her to walk through. The sky was clear. "It's a nice night."
Bradley put his hand on her back and led her to a bench. "Let's sit down for a bit." He wiped the seat off for her then sat down.
"He's interested in her because she's rich," Cho murmured, looking at her feet. "And she's pureblood."

ooc: Stella is pureblood, right? :p
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