
Archery lessons sound cool! I want them almost as much as fencing lessons...but, when u live in a city, there tend to be not many sportsgoers...more like rappers and ghettos. :rolleyes: Good gracious. :rolleyes:
I did it a few times when I was younger. Then I went this summer to a camp with my cousins and went to the archery range. Once I got the hang of lining up the shot, I was actually doing alright! And I love it!

It is only dangerous if you play around with them like toys.

I am the Neevil by QueenSusanofNarnia

I am the Neevil.
I live, breath, and walk like the Neevil.
I am the Neevil.
I speak, eat, and act like the Neevil.
I am the Neevil.
I conqured Narnia.
I am the Neevil.
I destroyed it.
I am the Neevil.
I put Narnia into an eternal winter;
Until my powers were broken;
Until the prophecy was fufilled;
Until Adam's Flesh and Adam's Bone
sat at Cair Paravel in Throne;
Until Aslan Came.
I was the Neevil.
QueenSusanofNarnia said:

I am the Neevil by QueenSusanofNarnia

I am the Neevil.
I live, breath, and walk like the Neevil.
I am the Neevil.
I speak, eat, and act like the Neevil.
I am the Neevil.
I conqured Narnia.
I am the Neevil.
I destroyed it.
I am the Neevil.
I put Narnia into an eternal winter;
Until my powers were broken;
Until the prophecy was fufilled;
Until Adam's Flesh and Adam's Bone
sat at Cair Paravel in Throne;
Until Aslan Came.
I was the Neevil.

ummm good song!~but where did that come from?
ARCHERY IS AWESOME! I love it! I've been shooting for a couple of years now. I have a 45 lb traditional Recurve Martin bow and I love it! It is my little pet. I haven't shot in a while since I have Renaissance Faire right now but I plan to soon. IT IS AWESOME! Warning though, take it seriously don't do simply because Legolas and Susan do it, do it because you love the sport! Also if you aren't willing to invest the time DON'T INVEST THE MONEY! A good bow costs from $150 up! Recurve is awesome but buy RECURVE ARROWS! There is a difference! If you want more information email me because I have lots of cool links and if you live in Missouri I can help you like you wouldn't believe. Have fun and be safe!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt win in the 'lottery system' for archery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so now im in rugby!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! though im one of two girls...haha were gonn akick the guyses butts!!!!! but i am still in mourning....i really wanted to pick up that bow again.... :(
*SkandarsQueen* Archery lessons sound cool! I want them almost as much as fencing lessons...but, when u live in a city, there tend to be not many sportsgoers...more like rappers and ghettos. Good gracious.

If you live in a city, then it shouldn't be hard to find somewhere nearby where they do fencing. It's also not too expensive. (I do it- it's the BEST sport ever!!!) My city has four fencing places, and it's only a relatively small city too.

As for archery, there's an archery club just down the road from me, but I can't join... I already have too many extra-curricular activities, and what with me in year 11 this year, it's hard to cope. I suggested it to mum once, but she just said 'no'. My brother had an archery birthday party once, and it was fun. I wasn't all too good though!
G.E. Boehm said:
ARCHERY IS AWESOME! I love it! I've been shooting for a couple of years now. I have a 45 lb traditional Recurve Martin bow and I love it! It is my little pet. I haven't shot in a while since I have Renaissance Faire right now but I plan to soon. IT IS AWESOME! Warning though, take it seriously don't do simply because Legolas and Susan do it, do it because you love the sport! Also if you aren't willing to invest the time DON'T INVEST THE MONEY! A good bow costs from $150 up! Recurve is awesome but buy RECURVE ARROWS! There is a difference! If you want more information email me because I have lots of cool links and if you live in Missouri I can help you like you wouldn't believe. Have fun and be safe!

i've never done archery, and i know a place close bi mi house that gives a free lesson 2 c if u like it, and i really do want to do it (not just beuase legolas and susan do it!!!)
I think Archery would be fun. Not easy, at least not at first, but fun. I could acctually try it because my neighbor in a secretservise person and he is always practicing in the yard. And he hunts.. I shoud ask him if I could try once. I think I would have good aim, because once I went shooting bb guns at my friends house and I hat all the targets the first time. Maybe Ishould take up archery... It could be fun!
My little brother made himself and me make-shift bows! they are made out of string and bamboo. the arrow is a dowely, but i accidentally broke it (not my fault: he said: ok, i'm gonna shoot it by u and u have to block it w/ this stick, and i did, but it broke--the arrow)....
:)this is also mi first time ever doing archery, and i'm OK for a beginner (the first times i did it, i just dropped mi hand 2 mi side--mi brother is NOT a good teacher, he just was like "Ok, just hold it however, and don't bother me, i'm watching LotR", and then i finally caught on to the fact that i had to pull mi hand back to mi head after i let go!!! :) i've gotten the arrow about 5 feet from me so far (remember, it's really just a dowely, and it's not very good)
i alsmot hit a bulls eye when i did REAL Archery once..but my mom & dad probably wont let me do not even gonna ask them