Should I go write my story so my fellow authors won't mob me?
Should I draw instead?
What is your favorite thing to draw?
Should I draw instead?
What is your favorite thing to draw?
Should I go write my story so my fellow authors won't mob me?
Should I draw instead?
What is your favorite thing to draw?
Did you steal my writing inspiration? It seems to have vanished.
Should I eat more cookies? If I don't, they'll be stale by the time I get back, but I've already had three. Plus one before lunch.
Should I eat the whole box of Junior Mints I bought to reward myself?
Is that a misuse of my sister's money?
What's your opinion of Owl City?
What should I do in these last few days before I start working at stinkin' Wendys?
Should I maybe not say things like that about my employer?
What is our Amy Pond toy doing hugging our O'Brien (from Star Trek) toy?
Why do Telmarines drink Mr. Pibb floats?
Who was Mr. Pibb, anyway?
Have you had the triple baconator?
Did you know that you're not a man unless you've had the triple baconator?
Do Telmarines party line a lot?
do they have a plasma screen TV?
do they like JELLO?
Do telmarines like Jell-O
do they live in log houses or castles?
do they like sweet potatoe fries or regular fries?
How do you feel about this video?
Toodles and Sushi disagree over whether beauty is objective; Toodles says absolutely yes, Sushi is moderating his yes. They're getting loud: can you help?
What? Certainly you're kidding. Has Garth had it?