Depends. What song is it?
What should I do to distract myself from being annoyed?
What should I do to distract myself from having a nervous breakdown?
Read. (How did you know that was coming?...)
You're good.
Do you like potato chips?
I didn't, because I haven't been able to read much lately. (Besides lots and lots of Psalms)
Okay, actual serious question
What's your favorite Psalm?
Do you have a favorite Bible translation?
I know it...
Oh, yes. Especially Salt & Vinegar.
Hmmm... I think Psalm 27. Or 89. But I really love Ecclesiastes.
Okay, is reading Ecclesiastes when you're depressed a good idea or a bad idea? My adopted little brother said I should stop doing that and read Psalms...
Why did I never put the paper towels away?
Have you ever been to an auction?
Will you eat my cookies even though I failed epically at making them?
Why is British TV sooooo much better than American TV???????????
Have you ever just had a GREAT day because you watched an amazing movie/show?
Why does having a plastic card make it so much easier to suddenly spend money? LOL.
Do you prefer Kindle/digital books or actual books?
Do you ever feel guilty after making an impulse buy? .
I wonder if I've asked any of these questions before...
What do you think of a) the book b) the movie c) the tv film of 'Prince Caspian'?
Why don't you like the book, Prince Caspian, but do like the film?
The book had that stupid romp. The movie graciously left it out. Right, AK? (I know you're reading this.)
No, I don't like failed cookies.
Hmph! *is offended*.