battle in the last battle

oh my bad i didn't read the whole topic. You're talking about the last battle.....
I'll have to read that book again, cuz i forgot...
Strictly speaking, there was only one battle described in the entire book, which was the last stand on Stable Hill. It's implied that there was some kind of conflict at Cair Paravel, though it probably could be descibed as a skirmish at best (probably "massacre" would be more accurate). Roonwit never got a chance to command an army, even the small one Tirian told him to bring. Farsight saw him with a Calormene arrow in his side, though the story never mentions how he got it. I'd always thought it was a "sniper" of some sort, but he may have strayed close enough to Cair to get caught on the edge of the strife.
but but

maybe lewis ment for us to use our imagination, look how he described the battle in lww, and look waht adamson did, is it possible that roonwit went and rallied a few thousand warriors and tried to defend, could there have been a big battle???

the battle at stable hill could hardly be a battle at all it was so small
It was small but intense! Lewis spends more words describing it than the whole battle in LWW.
I allways imagined the Calormen attack on cair paravel to be kinda like the the attack on the jedi temple in revenge of the sith. They would have fought back, but they would be to suprised to see the Colormens attacking them :eek: that they wouldn't have time to go out and meet them in battle. I think that they probably just grabed their swords and started fighting for their lives.
I much agree with PotW on the battle - I think more than anything the people of Narnia were thoroughly unprepared for something as huge as that. If Tirian and Jewel hadn't been relaxing that day far away from CP and the news hadn't come to them from that Dryad concerning the treachery to the South, then it would have been very probable that Tirian would have been another casualty, the Pevensie children would not have heard his plea (though I think Aslan would have made a way for them to arrive anyway - the end was near!) and the victory of the Calormenes would have been ultimate. That book, to me, is so depressing, but its salvation comes through at the end which, though in many respects is bittersweet, still ends in total sweetness.

For those who haven't read, I will say no more concerning the ending. Read on! :)
reepipuddleglumweather said:

Get that keyboard looked at. In place of any actual content in your last post, all there was was a row of question marks. The trouble with that is that other posters, not being telepathic, can't guess what it was you didn't understand.

Mods, I'm getting tired of this poster's annoying attention-getting habits when he doesn't happen to get the answer he was hoping for. Apologies if I'm letting it make me snippy.