BBC specials

I'm gonna be honest, I wasn't impressed with the old BBC stuff. I guess the thing that got me most was that the animals were just guys walking around in suits and it just wasn't amusing.
Well I mean, I first saw that when I was like 7, and I loved it and then when I saw the newer version it was weird to see REAL ..well almost real animals. then when I rewatched the BBC version, i was really surprised at how much... it got worse? Liek I think once you see the newer one, the old one just doesn't match up as much.
well, it was okay, just try to figure out that it was made a long time ago, and the effects then was not yet as good as today.
it was good, it captures a lot of kids and adult's hearts, ive watched it also, and yes, its kinda funnyy, but its good.
glamel said:
well, it was okay, just try to figure out that it was made a long time ago, and the effects then was not yet as good as today.
it was good, it captures a lot of kids and adult's hearts, ive watched it also, and yes, its kinda funnyy, but its good.

Yeah thats what I meant. Like, in 1990's the effects were probably okay-fairly good, but now since we've nearly hit 2006, we are so much more used to higher graffics and better effects. I still think the movie is splendid but it was better when i was younger.
I was seriously rolling on the floor when i watched the old LWW. The part where he was supposed to be sneaking a look at father christmas killed me because it was this tall guy in a really dumb beaver suit trying to "hide" in a clearing. he was a great actor and i like the beavers in the old one just as much as the new.