
I read a book called Narnia for Dummies and it decribes Bree's faults. I thought that doesn't sound like Bree. I heard the Focus on the Family Radio Theater production of the horse and his boy and I've read the book The Horse and his Boy, and Bree didn't sound like what the Narnia for Dummies book makes him out to be. The NFD book makes him sound like a condescending jerk. I know Bree can be full of himself sometimes but he's not a snob.
It was a strange joke of mine. I think Bree has the most to change in order to suit Narnia and also starts doubting his intentions. However, it seems to be Bree that has the greater ambition to go to Narnia. Perhaps the NfD thought that Bree was just dawdling and was worrying over nothing in a stupid fashion.
Puzzle dear said:
I read a book called Narnia for Dummies and it decribes Bree's faults. I thought that doesn't sound like Bree. I heard the Focus on the Family Radio Theater production of the horse and his boy and I've read the book The Horse and his Boy, and Bree didn't sound like what the Narnia for Dummies book makes him out to be. The NFD book makes him sound like a condescending jerk. I know Bree can be full of himself sometimes but he's not a snob.

Actually, (as much as I love Bree) throughout the whole book, Bree is rather mean and patronizes Shasta a lot esp. around Aravis. Probably what the NfD book was trying to say was just the over-all impression that Bree first gives the reader before Aslan talks to him in chapter 14- "How Bree Became a Wiser Horse."

But don't get me wrong... I LOVE BREE to death! :D
I knew there was a reason I was mad that they made a NfD book, but I dont think Bree is bad, I mean yeah he is mean but hes got his faults, we all do at times we all do stuff and our mean, besides hes probably dealing with guilt, I mean his mom told him 'dont leave Narnia' and he did and he ended up with a jerk for a master, so wouldnt you feel guilty?? I tend to take out guilt and frustration in anger, its wrong but thats the way I tend to deal with it, (dont worry I am trying to quit), so maybe Bree handles it the same way...
I think he means that someone not really involved with Narnia's characters wouldn't understand Bree. Bree is pushy and protective...not just because he himself wants to get back to Narnia, but because he recognizes Shasta as a Narnian or Archenlander and knows that it is important to save him from the Tisroc's people. Bree is an agent of God (Aslan) in saving the life of the crown prince of Archenland. A dummies book would never admit that!
Yeah, they definately missed on Bree in that NFD.

A bit narcissistic, but I find that the fault of his Calormene upbringing. Being that he was a talking horse and therefor smarter than all the dumb horses in his land, he knew that he had to outperform them to get better treatment. He learned what he needed to learn and put himself in a situation to be the warhorse for a powerful Tarkhan.

He got short with Shasta about the matter of Aravis being promised for marriage at such a young age, but that's the only incident I can remember where Bree didn't treat Shasta affectionately. Lewis described Bree being very patient with Shasta when teaching him how to ride, describing him as a good teacher. Bree needed Shasta to escape, but I wouldn't say that he was using him...I think he also had Shasta's well being in mind. He didn't want Shasta to be a slave of his Tarkhan, which is how the proposal for their escape came about.

I think the whole bit about him being nervous at entering Narnia after growing up his whole life in Calormene was understandable, he wanted to look his best, he didn't want to look or act like one of the dumb horses he'd been raised with.

How you could read that book and reach the conclusion that Bree is a jerk is beyond me. Maybe that's why they call it Narnia for Dummies?
I didn't say Bree was a jerk, in fact I said I disagreed with the NFD book a lot. We all know Bree can be a bit full of himself sometimes but he's not a condescending bully.

PS I like using that term "full of himself" it's just so cool sounding. :cool:
Puzzle dear said:
I didn't say Bree was a jerk, in fact I said I disagreed with the NFD book a lot. We all know Bree can be a bit full of himself sometimes but he's not a condescending bully.

PS I like using that term "full of himself" it's just so cool sounding. :cool:

I was speaking about the writers of that Narnia for Dummies book, not you. Since they came to that conclusion after supposedly reading the book.
HM High King Peter said:
I think he means that someone not really involved with Narnia's characters wouldn't understand Bree. Bree is pushy and protective...not just because he himself wants to get back to Narnia, but because he recognizes Shasta as a Narnian or Archenlander and knows that it is important to save him from the Tisroc's people. Bree is an agent of God (Aslan) in saving the life of the crown prince of Archenland. A dummies book would never admit that!
But Bree didn't know that Shasta was Prince Cor.
I don't think that Corin Thunder- Fist is speaking directly to you, just to the main public! :) Ya, I agree that Bree really isn't a "mean" guy but yes, he can be stuck- up. :D G2G
Puzzle dear said:
But Bree didn't know that Shasta was Prince Cor.

No, he didn't, but he did know that Shasta wasn't a Calormene (physically, it was hard not to notice). He didn't know that Shasta was royalty, but he knew that more likely than not he was from one of those northern countries...and was part of the reason he decided to ask Shasta to come with him.
DeplorableWord said:
I don't think that Corin Thunder- Fist is speaking directly to you, just to the main public! :) Ya, I agree that Bree really isn't a "mean" guy but yes, he can be stuck- up. :D G2G

Actually, that entire post was directed at the NFD's interpretation of Bree's character, not toward any of the poster's opinions in this thread.
Corin Thunder-Fist said:
Actually, that entire post was directed at the NFD's interpretation of Bree's character, not toward any of the poster's opinions in this thread.

1. Few people here have read Narnia for Dummies because large and in charge fans, are not dummies when it come to Narnia. :)

2. Two because there are so many large and in charge fans on the dancing lawn, everyone wants to write what they think. Not about what someone else thinks ;)


Bree is vain, a little selfish and a little cowardly.

However he changed. A changed fool is the wisest of all.

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