Bridge to Terabithia


New member
I just saw this movie. I instantly loved it. I mean I felt I could connect to both of them so strongly because I love doing what they did. Although as I get older I find it harder and harder. It's very sad but that movie opened everything back up to me. Whats your thoughts on this movie?
I watched it a couple nights ago...I cried. I was really sad but happy at the same time. I think it was very well done..but I would like to read the book.
I watched it a couple nights ago...I cried. I was really sad but happy at the same time. I think it was very well done..but I would like to read the book.

I quite agree with you Lady Teyrna, it was heartwrenching but since I'm a boy I don't cry :p though I cam close:eek:. When it comes out on DVD I'm so going to buy it.
I quite agree with you Lady Teyrna, it was heartwrenching but since I'm a boy I don't cry :p though I cam close:eek:. When it comes out on DVD I'm so going to buy it.

Same here. lol. It was kinda mom always cries and me and my brothers tease her about it. I dont cry too often myself...but I was kinda embaressed to cry with her.:p lol. it is kinda odd when guys cry..:D
I read the book about a week before I saw the movie... I cried...a lot... I thought it was awesome that the movie was almost exactly like the book though! I'm probably gonna read the book again tonight though... I read it for a book report that I have to do yeah...I should probably read it again...
Yeah I haven't read the book, but I'm surprised to hear how closely the movie followed the book, usually movies don't do that, except LOTR. I will have to read the book.
I haven't seen the movie, but I've read the book, and it ranks up with Where the Red Fern Grows and The Christmas Shoes in sadness...
Having not even read the book, the film is fantastic. And it made me want to read the book. Immediately after I saw the film, I went over to the bookstore and purchased it.
It looks really good! I'm planning to see it soon. I haven't read the book yet... well actually I started it but I didn't get too far.