Bridge to Terabithia

Hmm....dont think Ill see this in theaters. it doesnt look that good to me. maybe if my Dad rents it when it comes out on DVD Ill watch it then.
TrueNarnian, DO NOT go by the trailers that you have seen on TV to judge the movie as a whole. The actual movie is so much different than what they are advertising. I think they showed nearly all the CG scenes in the trailers, just not the complete scenes (they even showed the final scene of the movie in the trailer, which is highly unusual).

Other than leaving out my favorite emotional scenes (and one line that I think represented the turning point in the relationship between father and son: "Hell, ain't it?"), it was a good movie and good remake from the book.

Yeah, I really loved this movie. I already saw it twice and I'm seeing it again on Sunday lol.
I have a friend, Adam, who loves to draw and I love to write. It's so weird because we're just like Jesse and Leslie. We also huge imaginations and we're into fantasy and all that.
Some people who watch this movie just didn't like it because it didn't show that much of Terabithia. I think they might have been expecting it to be like Narnia where the whole story takes place in their fantasy world. But the story line was about friendship and that's what the movie was mostly about. Some people just don't understand that concept.
hehe...there are 3 topics in this section of the forum on the Bridge to Terabithia....xD and they're all titled exactly: Bridge to Terabithia

anda here
Oh no, no, no no and no.
No Fantasy can be compared to Narnia. ;) Narnia just bombs every other Fantasy in the whole world.
Yeah, that's true.
Well I have GREAT news! Tonight, Josh Hutcherson (He was Jesse Aarons- the main character in Bridge To Terabithia) is having an autograph signing at JMB Hall in Dry Ridge, KY from 7-8 pm. Since I live kind of close, my mom is going to take me and my best friend there. I'm really excited! It's so weird that I'm actually going to meet him. But I'm extremely nervous at the same time. Does anyone have any advice for things for me to say to him? Because I have no idea what I'm going to say.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but I really want to!! My sister was reading the book in one of her classes, so I started it, and now I can't put it down! I guess I'll just wait until I finish the book b4 I go see the movie, just so it won't spoil it!:p
Everyone has to see the movie at least once.......not only is it a good movie, but its something that will change the way you look at life......and not take it for granted. It deffinitely changed my perspective. I am so going to buy the movie so I can so it to my kids.
I saw the movie the other night. It is one of the most intense movies I have watched in a while. I was REALLY surprised at the events that unfolded (those of you who have seen it know what im talking about). It gets an 9.5 out of 10 on my scale! :p
Bridge to Terabithia is the bomb I loved it so much its the next best thing to narnia I think.

Exactly what I thought. It was such a good movie! I really liked the book too.

I was so mad at how they misrepresented the movie in the trailers. Now everybody wants to stay away from it because they think its some stupid fantasy story. It's really much deeper than that.
Exactly what I thought. It was such a good movie! I really liked the book too.

I was so mad at how they misrepresented the movie in the trailers. Now everybody wants to stay away from it because they think its some stupid fantasy story. It's really much deeper than that.

lol; thats what I think. my older sis saw it. bah..I dont care for seeing it. :p
Exactly what I thought. It was such a good movie! I really liked the book too.

I was so mad at how they misrepresented the movie in the trailers. Now everybody wants to stay away from it because they think its some stupid fantasy story. It's really much deeper than that.

Oh I know, they made the trailor something the movie wasn't.
When you first see the trailor, you think it's just about this fantasy world. But the movie is SOOO much more than that! It's mostly about the friendship between Jesse (the main character) and Leslie and how Leslie changes him. Very emotional and eye-opening movie.