The Spanish Inquisition
New member
I am writing this measure for my Sociology class, for my end of the semester project about Broadway musicals. There are two parts to this. The first is personal information, which I collect solely for demographic reasons. I’m not trying to stalk you or anything, I just need to see if there are any kind of patterns. If you don’t feel comfortable answering a question, then don’t answer it. Also, if you have any questions on why I’m asking a certain thing, feel free to ask me.
Also also, I will not be using your name in conjunction to this, but if you say something interesting, I reserve the right to quote you in my paper (Using only a made up initial and some demographic information).
What is your gender:
How old are you:
What race do you identify yourself with:
The Survey
Do you like musicals?
If you answered no, why not?
If so, which musical is your favourite?
Which musical is your least favourite?
Other comments:
Also also, I will not be using your name in conjunction to this, but if you say something interesting, I reserve the right to quote you in my paper (Using only a made up initial and some demographic information).
What is your gender:
How old are you:
What race do you identify yourself with:
The Survey
Do you like musicals?
If you answered no, why not?
If so, which musical is your favourite?
Which musical is your least favourite?
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