CharnTim IV


Knight of Narnia
Staff member
Knight of the Noble Order
Don't ask what this thread is about either: The little USB man is still hanging from his head cable waiting to be useful, and tortilla chips go well with lentil soup.

May the Spelling Poleece never find you hiding in this tread but if they do, just claim ownership of a piece of the insane asylum. The worse that can happen is they throw a bucket of punctuation signs on you. In that case, you can pretend you're eating cheese whiz.

And now, for your viewing displeasure, we present to you skinny children doing exercises in super model schools!
And one, and two....

CharnTim II

CharnTim III
CHARNTIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My home thread!!!! Oh how I've missed it!!! *Eats CharnTim*
I remember the last one of these threads.

That was long ago. o.o I found some posts of mine from 2009 in that thread. Good times.... good times....

Gosh, I love going back in threads and finding posts that I didn't understand then and understand now....:p Edit: I just found an entire Doctor Who conversation that I get now. This makes me happy.
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There was the incredibly epic road trip during which The GG was created, but even before that it was epic. ;)
Well, might as well get back to old habits.

*Eats someone's car* Thus preventing road trips...
Caspian: *pokes head up* Are we allowed in here?
Dorthy: I think we came to one of the earlier threads of this once.
Caspian: If we stay, I have a feeling we'll get eaten.
Dorthy: And if we leave we will too. What else is new?:rolleyes::p
Caspian: *pokes head up* Are we allowed in here?
Dorthy: I think we came to one of the earlier threads of this once.
Caspian: If we stay, I have a feeling we'll get eaten.
Dorthy: And if we leave we will too. What else is new?:rolleyes::p

*Eats Caspian and Dorthy*

There, now you can make your decision apart from being eaten.