do you suppose heaven...

Someonebeatmetowunderkind said:
do you suppose heaven could be a strawberry/grape slushie and a pizza with everything on it???

i dunno, but it sure hits the spot

... um, okay. :)

YOu know what hits the spot? Cookie dough bites....mmmmm
.:~NikkitaTheJust~:. said:
No an Ice Cold Dr. Pepper or rootbeer in a bottle! this is a funny thread oh by the way the person above me , I love ur Spoof!

lol, thank you. I haven't been able to add to it, but as soon as I can, I will. :D
.:~NikkitaTheJust~:. said:
lol i was reading it and i seriously fell off my chair i was like omg she is so talented!
:eek: :D Thank you, I love to make people laugh, but I didn't think it was really that funny. :) I appreciate your compliments though, I'm not used to getting them really.