Does anyone else get homesick?

I just read the Chronicles of Narnia again, and I am wondering. Does anyone else get a heartache as they turn those last few pages and realize it's the end, and there will never be anymore?...or do i just have issues?:)
Oh, you definitely don't have issues; well, not for that reason anyway (hehe :D). There are certainly parts where (don't tell anyone) I cry every time, and the glorious, but sad ending is certainly one of those times :)
Great topic! I see what you mean. I didn't have it with Narnia but more with LOTR. When Frodo was leaving and never to return, I got tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe it was over. I wish the story would continue somehow. The same with the movies. When I went to ROTK and in the end Frodo was leaving, I could cry. It was over. Back to Narnia, because you talked about Narnia ( ;) ) when I read the last part and turned to the last page of the last book, I was very curious about their adventures. It said: This is only the first chapter of a long and incredible story. I felt a bit sorry for Susan. Her parents and siblings died and she was alone at the world right now. I really felt sorry for her. She had chosen another lifestyle, but still I felt very sorry.
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Peter lover said:
Great topic! I see what you mean. I didn't have it with Narnia but more with LOTR. When Frodo was leaving and never to return, I got tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe it was over. I wish the story would continue somehow. The same with the movies. When I went to ROTK and in the end Frodo was leaving, I could cry. It was over. Back to Narnia, because you talked about Narnia ( ;) ) when I read the last part and turned to the last page of the last book, I was very curious about their adventures. It said: This is only the first chapter of a long and incredible story. I felt a bit sorry for Susan. Her parents and siblings died and she was alone at the world right now. I really felt sorry for her. She had chosen another lifestyle, but still I felt very sorry.
I didn't find the end to CoN books very sad at all. Although I did cry at the end of ROTK. That was so sad. btw-I luv ur siggy Peter lover cause I love pippin.
Thanks, yeah, I'm a huge Pippin-crazy. The end of Narnia wasn't sad, because they foundthe REAl Narnia. That chapter was beautiful how they all gathered at the door Aslan made and how they all walked and everybody met their family, friends etc. whom thý've lost a long time ago. But to realize there would be no more adventures after that final chapters was a sad idea.
I was sad...but then I realised, as I read Lewis's letter to Lucy (not the Pevensie....his goddaughter, I think?), I realised that it really wasnt the end of Narnia. Just the end to the Chronicles. :)
Someonebeatmetowunderkind said:
I just read the Chronicles of Narnia again, and I am wondering. Does anyone else get a heartache as they turn those last few pages and realize it's the end, and there will never be anymore?...or do i just have issues?:)

I got sad when I finished reading the Last Battle, but I thought they were all really good n' I was jazzed up so I wasn't too terribly heart broken. :D
Someonebeatmetowunderkind said:
I just read the Chronicles of Narnia again, and I am wondering. Does anyone else get a heartache as they turn those last few pages and realize it's the end, and there will never be anymore?...or do i just have issues?:)

no, it's not just you. i cry unconsollably (i can't spell ya'll, sorry!) but not just because i'm sad.Being a Christian, the books have so many different meanings for me that they just cause a flood of emotions (and tears ;) ). I'm sad cause the story is over, but happy because I know how happy all the charecters will be forever from now on. And it's not just the sad parts that make me cry. I cry at fun parts too, like in LWW when Aslan comes back to life and he and the girls have a "romp". i'm such a girl, leb! i cry at least three times in every book i think. :eek:
Yes alot of it is my christian upbringing.

I think alot of the emotion I felt throughout the books, came from the idea that God is not the vengefull fire and brimstone sort I was brought up with, and that heaven might just be something better than a neverending church session.
Someonebeatmetowunderkind said:
I think alot of the emotion I felt throughout the books, came from the idea that God is not the vengefull fire and brimstone sort I was brought up with, and that heaven might just be something better than a neverending church session.
lol it makes me so happy i can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
Cereniel said:
lol it makes me so happy i can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
Ditto!!!! I will happily live my life here on earth, and I will patiently wait for Him to bring me home, but I will go in a heartbeat when He calls me. Although, I admit that I do love to dream about what Heaven will be like.
I think the homesick is a spiritual type.

And I bawled when a friend of mine told me about Susan. Literally, bawled because I always felt I connected with her (being the oldest of my cousins and always being told to be grown up). It really upset me.

However, there is something to be realized too. I work at a bookstore and found a few books about Narnia, C.S Lewis,etc (there are a few AMAZING ones!) and in one, it mentioned how C.S Lewis left it as he did because that part was done , but it was left open to the imaginations of all readers.
lol well then I am glad to meet you all.

I am glad I am not the only one. I hope you can all hold onto that warm feeling you get, and I pray that it can carry you all through the tougher times in life. I forgot it for a long time, but I found it again.

Remember that no matter how good life gets, it will get worse for a time. It's just how life works. Without a down now and then, the ups would lose their lustre.

And especially remember and no matter how bad it gets, it will definitely get better. lol it ALWAYS gets better... you just have to hold on long enough to see it.

God Bless. Hang in there, and I hope I see you all in that bigger better heaven someday.
Narnia is just so...amazing. I can't describe it. While none of us know the time nor place, I am ready whenever the time comes to go home.

Until then, dealing with some of the ups and downs (mostly downs at the moment but there will be ups) of life. :) That is life though. Can't have the ups without the downs.

I know this is kind of rambling, but I just do like this thread and glad to see people are enjoying it.

Cereniel said:
no, it's not just you. i cry unconsollably (i can't spell ya'll, sorry!) but not just because i'm sad.Being a Christian, the books have so many different meanings for me that they just cause a flood of emotions (and tears ;) ). I'm sad cause the story is over, but happy because I know how happy all the charecters will be forever from now on. And it's not just the sad parts that make me cry. I cry at fun parts too, like in LWW when Aslan comes back to life and he and the girls have a "romp". i'm such a girl, leb! i cry at least three times in every book i think. :eek:

LOL ok, so is that the general consensus? 3 cries per book?