Does anyone else get homesick?

Wow...this is a REALLY old thread.

But on topic, yeah, I kind of get a heartache when I come to the end of The Last Battle. I'm not sure if it's because its the end of the stories, or if it's because of the knowledge that my journey "further up and further in" isn't here yet. ;)
The journey further up and further in begins here and now, dear hearts. When you set aside this old body, it's merely a landmark to show you that you are sprinting down home stretch.

I may not live in Narnia, but Narnia lives in me and therefore I anticipate it with joy.
Oh, boy, talk about homesick. More like hearthsick longing for the New Narnia.

do I cry when I read it? well, let see. The very first time I read the book, I cried when I read the very first sentence! I was so heartbroken I stopped right then and there and didn't dare to read it the rest for a long time. After I finally began reading it again, I had to stop from time to time because I couldn't stand the pain and the anger of reading about the evil characters getting their way.... But then, I got to the part of the New Narnia... and I cried just for the longing of it. I so wanted to be there with all the kings and queens, and heroes. So yeah.