Dreams of other TDL members

I have dreamt about EFC, I dreamt I WAS Kyn, Meian, and my High School RPG char. Uh, I dreamt about a giant B-Day party for specter, who looked like a ghost...
CaptainJackSparrow said:
C'mon, just answer! This is getting stupid.
NO. YOURE AVOIDING MY QUESTION! i dont really remember my dream..all i can say is that its not very appropriate..hehe.
Protofan said:
I have dreamt about EFC, I dreamt I WAS Kyn, Meian, and my High School RPG char. Uh, I dreamt about a giant B-Day party for specter, who looked like a ghost...

I have dreams involving me and all my friends in ten years. and in each one I'm single, living in new york city with 6 cats, and my friend katie is married to this one kid kyle. (who she HATES!)