I've had a lot of horrible nightmares. What makes them so bad is that, no matter how bad they get, I never wake up. I have quite a few nightmares that are recurring, such as:
I meet someone, end up riding in their cares with a group of friends (up to this point it's always different) and then they say they'll take me home, and instead we drvie to a huge forest, and they're taking us out of the care and herding us with bamboo sticks, then it always ends
I'm at my school, and I go in, and find everyone has been taken over by some like mind control thing...they are no longer themselves. And they want me to become a drone too. I refuse, and they try to force me. I fight back, and I get real weapons, like guns. I end up doing horrible horrible things like shooting people I once counted as friends, just to avoid the terrible fate of becoming one of them.