Drink Water - Seriously

I drank a whole bottle of water after one a game of hockey and touch which was only about an hour running around or maybe less!

I drink heaps of water and this summer I heard America is at its hottest summer ever!
Aslan'sFriend410 said:
Ah yes! I love water also!!! I also try to drink the recomended 64 ounces a day but often drink more than that, especially in this almost unbearable heat! Sodas are the ENEMY!!! Water! Water! Water!

You ought to try living in the high desert here in Nevada! At least where you guys are at, it's humid and your skin doesn't get all dried out. I go to Hawaii or to the SF Bay Area and come back here to Nevada, and my skin turns ashy and dry. I go through a bottle of lotion a week, and have use dry skin cream for my face. So initially when I moved up here, I wasn't drinking enough water or other hydrating things and with the dryness and altitude, I was really feeling beat out.

By the way Gatorade and some of the power drinks like that with potassium are good if you get dehydrated and light-headed. Doctors recommend it...even my own sports medicine doctor drinks it.
QueenSusanofNarnia said:
OK take it from me - DRINK TONS OF WATER THIS SUMMER. I just arrived home from a 2 hour bus ride from Six Flags America and I think I may have fainted (see? I don't even remember!) because I haven't drank water all day (I have two bottles right next to me now!). It was 113 degrees on our bus and the air conditioning was barley working it seemed.
Perish from dehydration.
(I think I may be dehydrated...oh no....)
But there's a droughty thing going on in my town...you can only get water at certain times, and not that much when the time comes round. And I'm not gonna buy all my water.
*IOWW the Iasc* said:
Because here in AZ ...

w00tw00t!!!!! AZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!! They're playing tonight against Arsenal!!!!!! Sorry, AZ is a Dutch soccer club, and they're my fave... :D

Water... Well, here you can drink rainwater if you like... The weather is just being stupid these days!! But when I was in Spain, it was very warm, and I kept drinking water, so... :D
I don't tend to drink a lot of water because I don't like the taste of it. :) I do drink a lot of juices and tea/milk when it's hot outside though. It's just a matter of getting fluid into your body so that you compensate for the amount you're sweating.
I basically drink 4 things. Water, coke, Smirnoff Ice and hot chocolate.

I only drink hot chocolate about once a year - coldest night of winter, when I'm curled up on the sofa in my duvet.

I don't really like alcohol, so the Smirnoff I have maybe twice a year - if that!

Coke makes me stupidly hyper, so my parents have stopped buying it. I can only have it maybe once a month.

So I live on water. it's yummy ^_^
Kate12whisper13 said:
Triple posting maybe?

I would hate to live in the desert, I couldn't stand it!

I love it...we're in the high desert near the mountains and forests and right by the famous Lake Tahoe and ski resort!
Pratterson said:
I basically drink 4 things. Water, coke, Smirnoff Ice and hot chocolate.

I only drink hot chocolate about once a year - coldest night of winter, when I'm curled up on the sofa in my duvet.

I don't really like alcohol, so the Smirnoff I have maybe twice a year - if that!

Coke makes me stupidly hyper, so my parents have stopped buying it. I can only have it maybe once a month.

So I live on water. it's yummy ^_^

I drink a lot of bottled water such as Evian or Propel by Gatorade, filtered tap water, organic vegetable and fruit juice, the occasional diet soda or energy drink, and Power Ade.
QueenSusanofNarnia said:
OK take it from me - DRINK TONS OF WATER THIS SUMMER. I just arrived home from a 2 hour bus ride from Six Flags America and I think I may have fainted (see? I don't even remember!) because I haven't drank water all day (I have two bottles right next to me now!). It was 113 degrees on our bus and the air conditioning was barley working it seemed.
Perish from dehydration.
(I think I may be dehydrated...oh no....)
Yeah,it was hot when I went to Six Flags,but the bus was cold actually,it felt good at first but slowly I ran a fever. I was sick for about three or four days. Anway,I always get my eight glasses a day. :D
So did we.
I live in Texas and in a very hot part of it too. But I only go out side to swim or play basketball during the summer. I also try to constantly drink water. Once I fainted because I was dehydrated. I was playing basketball in my country clubs gym and I forgot to drink alot of water and I fainted. That was 2 weeks ago...........
Water = Good :D
I usually drink a lot of water and this summer it was really necessary here! It was sooo hot!!! ;)
QueenSusanofNarnia said:
OK take it from me - DRINK TONS OF WATER THIS SUMMER. I just arrived home from a 2 hour bus ride from Six Flags America and I think I may have fainted (see? I don't even remember!) because I haven't drank water all day (I have two bottles right next to me now!). It was 113 degrees on our bus and the air conditioning was barley working it seemed.
Perish from dehydration.
(I think I may be dehydrated...oh no....)
I've been wateroholic this summer..
*Daughter Of Eve_92* said:
I've been wateroholic this summer..

I'm glad to see you guys are drinking water and not tons of soda. That's the worst thing someone can do. Water, Gatorade or organic juice, people!!
IceMaiden said:
I'm glad to see you guys are drinking water and not tons of soda. That's the worst thing someone can do. Water, Gatorade or organic juice, people!!
Yeah I am too! I hardly drink soda,and I don't think anyone should actually.It's not good.