Drink Water - Seriously

All that soda pop has about two or more cups of sugar in it, Elf. But wait!! Remember we agreed it was better than aspartame, which tastes bad and God forbid, causes brain damage. :D
IceMaiden said:
All that soda pop has about two or more cups of sugar in it, Elf. But wait!! Remember we agreed it was better than aspartame, which tastes bad and God forbid, causes brain damage. :D
Yes I agree with you on that.But...water is still the best! Long live water! :D
well i drink tons of water i drink a bottle a day wen i'm in skool and wen its the holidays i drink flavoured water lyk 2day i'm drinking lemon and lime water. i only drink fizzy drinks wen i'm out in mcdonalds or something. :D
You guys are terrific for drinking water and realizing its importance at a young age. I like sodas once in a while, or of course who can resist LEMONADE when its freshly made and it's a hot summer day?! LIKE RIGHT NOW!!!
My friend said that room temperature quenches your thirst more than ice cold water. I can't remember who tld her that though...
.:Susan.the.Gentle:. said:
My friend said that room temperature quenches your thirst more than ice cold water. I can't remember who tld her that though...

Well I never drink 'ice cold' water because it gives me a headache and I have sensitive teeth LOL. So I drink it cool, but not super cold. I hate getting that spiked feeling in your head, especially if you're thirsty and you drink fast.
As I promised Pratt I'd post in here..

I love water! It's one of the greatest 'things' on the earth - so good for you in about a milion ways- clears the senses, the skin and the insides.
I'm not a fan of fancy bottle water- I'm quite convinced that tap water is just as fine for you as anything with a silly label and 100 times the price.
Other than water, i'm a big fan of tea..coffee..milk..weird colour fizzy drinks - my childish side comes roaring out..and the odd glass of vino..
liquid is a marvellous thing indeed!!