Duffer Boot Camp!

What a welcome, Lieke. :rolleyes: :p Where'd he go, anyway?

Oops. Dumb question. *looks over edge of cliff*
Lieke: huh, where did she go?
Dernhelm: *still looking over edge of cliff*
Lieke: What? *looks*
Dernhelm: *pushes*
Lieke: *falls* SPLASH! Ah, there they are... *sighs*
And that, dear reader, is how Lieke the Duffer . . .

. . . fell off the cliff.

Kind of anticlamatic, actually.
I don't quite know. It's habit, I suppose. You know, we really should research who did it first!
Hm, i don´t think it was considered a habit first, i don´t know who did it first, i do know who did it most :D:p (it´s just so funny:D) *pushes Derny off cliff* *points and laughs*:D