Ever hear "Narnia is the dumbest Movie Ever"?

Have any of you run into that response?

A friend's 5 year old little girl was watching Narnia on Easter. I asked her how she liked it, and before she could answer (Turns out she loves it), her 14 year old cousin piped up with "OH, that's the dumbest movie EVER!"

I just don't understand such a vehement response to any movie...except maybe Brokeback Mountain, but that is another issue. :)

Have any of you run into that? and I am curious why you think they feel that way. Are they just trying too hard to be cool? Is Narnia really that bad? Do they hate it because it represents Jesus? Maybe they just don't get it, and they are the Dwarves in the shed (Last Battle)

I am curious to know what you all think.
Maybe the 14 year old cousin thinks that Narnia is too childish (but it's not) I run into people who think that. They might really love it inside, but don't want to admit it because other people their age think that it's childish and they don't want to be embarrassed by admitting the truth. Follow that? :D
Maybe (no offense to anyone anyone knows) they're just too... shallow to GET it. To them, it's just a story, not a thing to think about.
Also, I must say, standing alone, LWW is not as good as some other books I've read. A bit pointless, in fact. They just end up where they begin. However, as a part of a series, it's a wonderful and necessarry portion of the whole.
I have not encountered that response yet. My next door neighbor mentioned it to me one day and she thought it was wonderful!! She apparently had seen it in the theatres, I don't know if she has bought the DVD or not. I have not talked about it to anyone else except my brother and I am not sure if he would be interested or not. He did make one comment when I was watching it the other night. He said that he was not aware that LWW was set during World War II and I told him that it was.
Maybe it just isnt their taste. To them it really is the dumbest movie they've ever seen.
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Another reason might be that they just are not interested in C.S. Lewis and Narnia. If one person is interested in something and another is not, then you will hear comments like that.
I LOVE LWW when I first watch it it was really awesome...but when I watch it the second time in my school it was kinda okay because my class was kinda disturbing and talk while the movie was playing....
tooo cooool

maybe theyre just too cool for it (hey im 13 and i love it) but maybe what they see and how they interpret it is different then our views. they may only see it as four kids get in a new land and they defeat a witch with a help of a lion. it probably will seem to childish. ;)
Some people talk before they think :p

I dont know if people hate it because it has religious connections, I'm not religious at all, and I love the movie. But I'm fairly convinced that my opinion on those people who say they hate this movie, just dont want to say they really liked it. Some people think, no matter what company they are in, that if they say they "liked" a childish movie that it is a negative thing.
I thought "Pulp Fiction" (which received **** ratings up the wazoo) was pretty much crappy, and I kind of enjoyed low-rated comedies like "Spy Hard", "Wrongfully Accused", and "Jury Duty". Not everyone's going to like every movie. LWW made something like $700 million before it even reached DVD, and the same director and kids will do the sequel. So let the Narnia nonfans bluster til their tongues fall out. You can't make everybody like everything.
I haven't heard anyone say that directly to me, but some of my family members, who watch some truely pointless and crappy movies that have absolutely no value IMHO, raised their eyebrows when I said I loved the books and wanted to see it for the first time. They never said it but it was like "Why do you want to go see THAT?". I just never mind them. And my cousin who has never read the books and seen the movie wants to see the DVD, so she may come around. I have heard many a person whom I would have never expected to say so to admit they had never even read the book or had even heard if it! Since when did C. S. Lewis stop being required reading like it was in my day and before then? To quote the Professor himself, "What are they teaching in these schools?"
yeah when i said i wanted to go see the movie on the theaters somepeopl ewere just like, "uhhhh. okay. what a dork shes seeing a movie about a fantasy land. get back into reality" but to me, narnia is REAL! :mad:
If I do.I kill them. my friend says that and she didn't watch it and doesn' noe wat it is that's y. but now EVERYBODY I ask ni front of her say IT wWAS tHE BOMB and now she wants to c it to c wat ever1s going on about. shes starting to like it but otherwise I've NEVER heard of that.