Ever hear "Narnia is the dumbest Movie Ever"?

I know i was reading a Narnia book at school, and I had a narnia bookmark and my friend was looking at it and a girl sitting next to me said "that movie looks dumb" she was a little miss-popular, preppy girl.....i didnt say anything but now i wish i did....i should have said "no, its not dumb at all"
Ugh......don't even bring them up to me!!!!!! I once was going on last early December how cool and EXQUISITELY BEAUTIFUL the trailer looked, when this very rude girl decides to tell me she thinks Narnia is dumb. If looks could kill, she would be dead and buried right now....
Narnia is even more beautiful and wonderful and tearjerking and heartwarming than I could ever have imagined!!! *sigh* I pity deeply those who have closed their hearts, minds, and souls to the Love, Mercy, and Beauty of Aslan and Narnia...they are like the dwarves in LB, who couldn't see where they truly were, no matter what Aslan did.
May Aslan Bless them, and may my eyes keep their deep contempt to themselves....
TrueNarnian said:
I know i was reading a Narnia book at school, and I had a narnia bookmark and my friend was looking at it and a girl sitting next to me said "that movie looks dumb" she was a little miss-popular, preppy girl.....i didnt say anything but now i wish i did....i should have said "no, its not dumb at all"

i have no time to read narnia at school~i am so busy...but me, known as the freaky weirdo at school anyways, i really wouldnt care...too bad for them its THEIR loss :mad:
Being "cool" doesnt matter after highschool anyways. If people think you are uncool, than you are prepared for your life after highschool ( for the most part) :p
I doubt that some people would hate it if it represents jesus becouse I don't go to church and I'm not a christian But I still LOVED the movie anyway.
Narnia is not bad! Infact, Narnia is the coolest movie ever! I hate people who judge things but doesn't even know them. Maybe the cousin didn't know what she was saying...
Someonebeatmetowunderkind said:
Have any of you run into that response?

A friend's 5 year old little girl was watching Narnia on Easter. I asked her how she liked it, and before she could answer (Turns out she loves it), her 14 year old cousin piped up with "OH, that's the dumbest movie EVER!"

I just don't understand such a vehement response to any movie...except maybe Brokeback Mountain, but that is another issue. :)

Have any of you run into that? and I am curious why you think they feel that way. Are they just trying too hard to be cool? Is Narnia really that bad? Do they hate it because it represents Jesus? Maybe they just don't get it, and they are the Dwarves in the shed (Last Battle)

I am curious to know what you all think.

Yeah, reading from a Roger Ebert review :D. I bet he liked Hostel and Brokeback..... :confused: