Guess who i met today...


New member
ok, this is how this game works, u tell everyone that u met someone famous, whether they really exist or not, and u say what u did with, or to that person. it can be mean, nice, sentimental, or just downright silly. then the person below u has to come up with an incerdibly embarrassing situation that happened to u while u where doing with, or to that person. then they start the whole thing over again by telling who they met, and what they did, or what they did to them. Have fun, i'll start off first.

Guess who i met today...i met Heath Ledger, we walked together through the mall talking about his role in A Knights Tale, and he stopped and purposed to me on the spot.

Now the person below me will finish the story with a completely embarrassing situation, and it has to be embarrassing. :D
but when he got down on one knee you sneezed in his face and he staggered over backwards and got caught on an escalator....and when he got to the top a knight in black armor challenged him to a duel...he tried to explain that he was not really a knight but the black knight wouldn't listen and wound up chasing heath out of the mall screaming.... :eek:

i met TREEBEARD!!!i was walking along a trail...and to my surprise a tree starts moving...i greeted him and a few hours later we were drinking ent draughts.i offered him cheese but he said an entish sort of way...after that we put out camp fires and resued an elven scouting party from uruks!!! :eek: well anywho,they were grateful and i became an elf-friend!
but you got so tall from the ent droughts that you were taller than the elves and they got mad and pushed you over and drove you out of the woods

today i met Oprah and went on her show...
but she stole your french fries!!!and you chased her round and round her studio, with all the audience taking bets...but you finally tackled her live!huzzah!but she'd already eaten all your french got so angry you punted a dwarf! :eek:

i met gimli son of gloin today...we talked about mithril and wars and what-not....
then u said something that he took offensively. ( it was about cheese) Apparently Gimili is lactose intolerant. And then he chases u off with his axe, but u were too slow, cause u ate too much cheese and it has caused your nose to stuff up, and u got cut on the back, and ended up in the hospital.

I met Aslan today, he held me in his arms and told me how much he loved me, and called me his lioness, and talked for hours about life. :)
then you farted and he ran away and he never saw you again..

today i met Merlin in his little cottage out in the woods and we were having tea and it was nice...
and reepicheep came over!then you stepped on his tail and had a duel...he won...and you were forced to buy him expensive cheese! :eek: then merlin goofed and turned you into an ent for 5 mins before turning you back

i met puddleglum today...and nearly duct taped his mouth shut... :D
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but puddleglum ate spinach like (popeyes) and duct taped you instead, squeeze and twirl your body like a marshmallow and put you in a round bag, roll it upside down and kicked you so hard that you went flying over to the mars.:D (HOMERUN!!!:D)

i met Orlando Bloom today, he asked for my name and told me that he was attracted to me the first time he saw me, we went on a date the whole day, watch movies and everything, then we had a romantic dinner after that and he told me that he wanted me to be his girl for the rest of his life!! :eek: :)
(picture this saying OB to me)
OB: I like you, no,..(pauses,..) I love you, i swear!!(looks into my eyes)
the first time i laid my eyes on you, i already know that its you,.. i wanna grow old with.
its your face, the first i wanna see each morning i wake up and the last before i close
my eyes at night.
Marry me, and i promise to love you forever.!!!
but then you say "Yes, i will marry you!" rather loudly, only to discover he was talking on the phone to his actress of a sweetheart...

today i met Eowyn and we talked about about her battle with the Witchking while we rode through the countryside...
Then, as she was acting out the scene she accidentally hit u with a toy sword, and it knocked u out unconcious. oops. then when u woke up from ur coma she was married with Feromir, and she was living in a far away land, and u never saw her again.

I saw Mel Gibson today, we sat down and talked about how he made his movie The Passion, and other stories about him and his big family. :D
and puddleglum staggered in,still hopped up on spinach and carried you-chair and all to the top of a sky scraper and jumped off!thinking he could fly,and flapping his arms really really fast....he flew,but you wound up on top of a barbie factory,with many small girls staring up till the firemen got you down :D

i met the cat today...and attempted to get him off his addiction to tweety birds....
but sylvester got mad at you instead and start shooting you with te riffle he stole from elmer and you ran as fast as you can but marvin the martian blocked your way and the sylvester catched you and tie your arms and legs and throws you outside the earth. (bye!! :rolleyes: )

i met tom cruise and katie holmes but the latter was so jealous of me, and he just left me and tom cruise alone, then, he told me, he never really loved katie, or maybe he does but that love was gone the moment he saw me!!!! :D :D
but katie got marvin to put you in a space ship and take you to mars...but the martians made you a princess!but you had no tiara so the martians all looked around and stared at something shiney...

i met the white stag!!!YAY!
which was an alien crown, so tiny that it wouldn't fit on your head even if you tried to squeeze into it. But you try anyway, and it hurts so badly that you close your eyes, and when you open your eyes you are standing in the middle of a dark forest where all of the rocks can speak.

I throw one of the rocks into a deep lake nearby and it causes a huge, cataclysmic ripple that makes tidal waves wash up onto the shore.
In the middle of the waves is the ghost of Martin Luther King Jr. dressed as King Triton, and he tells me that I need to quit wasting time and go to...
...and just when you were about to join him for a quick lunch at his invitation, Miss Piggy walked by and pushed you to the ground, grabbed Kermit by his arm and dragged him off to her pink limo, while everyone else on the street stopped and stared at you.

Denethor invited me to a private luncheon this afternoon, and we feasted on delicious hams and turkeys and enjoyed some light pastries and coffee afterwards...
then faramir came in rather winded and anounced osgiliath was denethor had you lead a small assault force to retake it!it ended with the orcs sending you back covered in bannana creme pie....

i met a talking moose....
Who was angry with u for hunting down his mate, he chased u off, but no before he told Aslan, who put a curse on u so that u never eat cheese again. :D

Today i met Martha Stewart, i got into a fist fight with her about how angora is so much better than cashmere..
but martha's attorneys jumped you and made you wear cashmere all day!on live eventually escaped but had to live with the CANADA!but you became a vegitarian...

today i met a professional duffer!(i think this is asking for it...)
It was a girl Duffer. And she fell in love with u instantly. In fact she loved u so much, that she started planning the wedding before u could say no. The fellow Duffers got u suited up and everything, and when it finally came time to say ur vows, u said no, and u broke her heart. Her big brother Dubby crushed u flat for humiliating her, and they had to send u home in a jar. :D

Today i met King Caspian, he let me steer his ship, the Dawn Treader. :cool: