Guess who i met today...

And when the sea monster attacked the ship, it grabbed and dragged you overboard; and King Caspian was so overjoyed that he threw a party immediately on the spot, and nothing but laughter and music could be heard from the deck for three whole days.

I met Galadriel today, and she showed me all the realm of Lórien, the land of eternal youth and beauty, and told me I was welcome to sojourn as long as I wanted...
but there were ents there!they mistook your avatar for your actual pic and roared!they chased you clean across the river to khand, where you hid among the easterlings!but the easterlings knew you preferred isengard to mordor so they kicked you out....further east you went till you found a lovely waterfall to have a bruncheon at.

i met....dudley do-right today!he deputized me and......
he made a HUGE mistake! First u let out Horse while cleaning his stall. U had to go out and catch him. Then u burned down his house trying to light a fire, meanless to say u did not last long as a deputy.

Today i met Jackie Chan, he showed me a couple of kung-fu moves.
and out of the blue came a gaggle of ninjas!you and jackie were cornered...and jackie ran away,drawing some ninjas after him!he called back "You can have the rest!" but he didn't teach you enough to beat the you ran....and they chased...till you entered rivendell and the ninjas were chased off by the elves!

i met gonzo today.....
...and you were cornered yourself for hours and hours on end, while he talked about his infatuation with Miss Piggy and his endless plots to travel and find his kind, etc., etc. You were so bored you were ready to shoot him.

Today I met with Radagast at his home of Rhosgobel, and he introduced me to many of his bird-friends...
but gonzo happened to think he was a bird that day and was right over your promptly moved but he followed you....till i got a rock and chucked it!it missed....and wound up ricocheting all over radagast's abode untill gonzo caught it like a football and flew over the misty mountains!there was a clang and a loud "OUCH!"head shortly after...apparently he dropped the rock.

i met the rangers of gondor today!and we went hunting....and ambushed some mumakil...
...and Denethor appeared! He was so desperate to have you serve your country with such fervor and passion, that he made you go out there in the midst of the battlefield to finish off one mûmak that was still running wildly this way and were successful, but almost found yourself under one of it's massive paws. Denethor tells you how disappointed he was in you, and you frown with discontent...

I met with President Bush today...
and you two talked about many political things....then jadis ran by and the president's secret service gave chase!so you were instructed to guard president bush and were paid handsomely...and the muppets came and pestered him till you escaped to his jet.....and you had to remain there for five days but when you came down you got a gold medal!

i met yoda today.....
and he force you to use the force to eat your chocolate bar, but instead of eating the chocolate by using the force, you ate Yoda's cane. He got so mad he put you in a lock box never to return to the outside world.

Today I met Frank Sinatra, and he sang to me...
But he lost his voice the previous night, so he didn't sound as good as u would have liked him.

Today i met Frodo, we sat together in a boat and fished.
but frodo fishes up the one ring and you two quarrel over it till you fall into the river! the ring went down river till it was found by the white look what you've done!

i met a rohirrim today...and we rode horses...
but you fell off and your horse freaks out and picks you up with his teeth and puts you on rohirrim.

i met Orlando Bloom today... *looks dreamy*
oh, he looked at you then, smiled and said, hey, girl " you are invited on my wedding, by the way, this is glamel (uhum, that me!) my fiancee :D

I met Peter Jackson and he told me I can co-direct him in his upcoming movie like the LOTR,....
but when u got there, he left you, and dance with someone else:D :p

i met, president bush today and he ask me to be his right hand assistant, and soon the next president of the United States
you were given chocolates by willy wonka, johnny ate it, but he died, soon the police came, and you told them its willy wonka's fault, but willy was gone and the police arrested you, you were in prison for 50 years. :rolleyes:

i met bill gates and he told me hed give his whole property to me, if i marry his son
you do in fact but his son is butt ugly inside and out...

todat i met John Rys Davis and he let me see his Gimli costume
but in fact he tricked you into showing his costume because he kidnapped you, and you soon knew that he was a member of a terrorist :D

i met daniel copperfield and he showed me some magic tricks
Then poof u were gone, we convinced him to give u back, but now u can't post on this thread anymore. lol :cool:

Today i met Sean Astin, he showed me his pack that he used for the movie, and introduced me to his daughter. :D