Guess who i met today...

i have no idea who jeff bagwell is so i'll just say you both met hobbits and found mushrooms...then a mountain troll came out of nowhere and chased you!but the elves fought it off.....

i met C-3PO today....
you talked for a long time, until a bunch of storm troopers came. C-3PO managed to
give you a light saber, you slashed and slashed, and fell many a storm trooper. Then
after the epic fight was over you accidentley cut off C-3PO's head, in the end you
manadged to fix him but he never wanted to be around you afterwords.

I met C-3PO's evil twin D-3PO.
and he played evil pranks on you!you got so fed up with him you gave him to other stormtroopers but he managed to kinive the stormtroopers into buying you!they put you on the star destroyer but you managed to escape....and took a tie fighter!but they chased you!and shot you down over endor where the ewoks took you in and you had to stay there for several months till the star destroyer moved on...they wanted no more of endor!

i met R2-D2 today... :D
...but sadly all you could get out of him was several beeps and whistles, until he whistled so loudly and began to become so finicky that you realized he must have been very upset with you for some reason; he uses his rocket boosters and flies near to C-3PO and knocks the "goldenrod" over.

Today I met Queen Victoria. I did an impersonation of her and...
she ordered one of her afro haired guards to kill you and you barely escaped

jeff bagwell plays for the houston astros

i met craig biggio today (he plays for the astros too)
and he asked you to help the Rangers of Arnor repel Nazgul from hobbiton!but you had no knowlege of how to fight nazgul,much less chase them off!so the rangers set up an ambush and use fire arrows!the rangers wound up repelling the nazgul but they took one of the hobbits hostage and fled!the rangers all turned and stared at you like it was your fault but you just shrugged!

i met bill the pony today!YAY! :D
He whinnied and neighed at you affectionately, but when he looked past you and saw what was coming towards you from behind, he bolted out of the way. You turn and duck just in time as Khamûl, the Nazgûl lieutenant, swings his Morgul-blade at you. You kick the back of his knees and he falls to the ground, and you barely get away with your life.

Today I met Tom Bombadil, and he introduced me to Goldberry and told me how he helped save four hobbits of the Shire from the Barrow wights...
and invited you to dinner!you accepted and you and he and goldberry and several squirrels had dinner....up to you made a squirrel joke and offended the little critters!they left in a huff,and you stayed the night at tom's.the next morning when you left the squirrels had gathered a mob of squirrels who dragged you off to see treebeard,and you were rescued by elves along the way!

i met bree the talking horse today.... :D
and the moment you started talking with him, he kicked you!hehehe!
so hard that you got a black eye! :D

I met Venus today, the goddess of beauty
She banned u from the white house, cause u were sucking up to her too much...

Today i met Queen Susan, we tried on dresses, and rode horses, and had a picnic in the middle of the forest. And then animals from all around came and we played music, and danced all night long, until...
...who was still so upset that her croquet match with Goldenrod had been interrupted by the Duchess of Cornwall that she decided to vent her frustration on you, ordered that the Sandringham guards escort you to the House of Commons, where your doom was to watch the happenings of the Commons from start to finish for two whole months (very boring, I assure you!).

Today I met Tilda Swinton. She told me how she had enjoyed the part of Jadis, and how she did not believe in "getting in character," but simply acted out the part...
but she was annoyed because you were not listening and she told you to get out of er sight, you were shocked and amazed because you dont know why she got mad and angry ant the same time so , you tell her whats the prooblem as you hold her hand, she gave you the punch that gave you millions of stars!!!

Today i met Amelia Earheart, the woman who flew in the sky, but was gone, she told me the exciting things that happened when she was away.
Unfortunatly the only thing that was exciting was her winning a milk drinking contest!!!!!!! :D lol

Today i met Abraham Lincoln. He told me about the emancipation proclamaition.
unfortunately some riled southerners mobbed you and he was rushed to safety while you ran for you life!you escaped the southerners and hid in Lothlorien......

I met Haldir(he didn't die at helm's deep in the book...) today, and we went hunting!we found orcs and squished them! :D