Guess who i met today...

But Saruman and Gríma appeared, and while Saruman was busy asking you for some cherry-flavored pipeweed, Gríma, crawling on all fours like a dog, went behind you and stole some money out of your pocket. And seeing that Éowyn and Arwen were nearby watching, they couldn't help but giggle at the sight of the knight in shining armor getting easily swindled by a couple of beggars, while Haldir was finishing off the last of the orcs...

Today I met Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, and he asked if I would care to serve as one of his office assistants...
Then u somehow found out he wasn't so supreme. (i quite honestly dont know who that is)

Today i met Elvis Prestly, turns out he's not really dead...
Then he took you to his desert island with Ronald Reagan.

I met Tupac today....
turnes out thise mischevious fauns put something "questionable" in ur tea, it made u very ill, and u had to leave the party early.

Today i met Jewel. She let me ride on her back.(and she didnt buck me off)
and you were ambushed by Easterlings!!AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!and jewel looked at you funny for calling him a her!all of a sudden, a thunderous sound was heard!it got closer and closer!till a handsome knight(a very particular knight who posts often) with a HUUUUGE cavalry came and rescued you and jewel!HUZZAH!!!

i met hwin today and gave her an apple... :D
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since i have no idea who that is i shall say he signed up to test an experimental rocket-car.....and you wouldn't go with him so you watched safely from the control room while eating cheesecake :D

AAAHHHHHHH!!!!! U DON'T KNOW WHO JOHN CLEESE IS?! he's a british comedian.

Today i met CInderella, she told me i could wear the dress she wore to the ball to my prom. And she said i could wear her glass slippers too.
But when you were ready to go to your prom, you realized that the so-called "Cinderella" dress had suddenly turned green, and that the glass slippers were actually silver, and then it dawned on you that the beautiful woman whom you thought was Cinderella might actually have been the Green Lady, especially when everyone starts to laugh at your dress when you arrive at the prom, making you feel like you want to melt into the ground.

Today I met Willy Wonka. He told me that I could have all the sweet chocolate I want, and that I was welcome to tour his factory anytime it pleases me...
...and then a giant blueberry came rolling down the hallway and knocked you into the stream of chocolate and you began floating downstream, over waterfalls, and then finally you were dumped out a pipe in the back of the factory...dumping you unceremoniously into refuse water.

Today I met Hayden Christensen, and he fell in love with me...he was on his knees, his blue eyes looking intensely into mind about to propose when....
Then u hear some rusleing going on in the bushes, then u see Ashton Ketcher and he yells "U GOT PUNKED!" then u sadly relize it was all a hoax.

Today i met Christian Bale, he gave me a ride in the Bat mobile. :cool:
Or so you thought it was the batmobile, but upon closer examination you soon realized it was a cardboard standee of the batmobile and that the man whom you thought to be Christian Bale was actually a hobo driving in a brown, rusted pinto (he was wearing dirty clothes and smelled very raunchy). He pulled forward and the car sputtered and coughed and gave out nasty, toxic fumes. You smiled and quickly turned away.

Today I met Goldie Hawn.
and he made tricks on you, he puts you in a box and make you disappera, and yes it was a success but he cant make you reappear again!! hahahaha!

today i met cs lewis and tolkien, they gave me some tips in writing, and some stuffs like that
But suddenly Reepicheep the Mouse appeared, the red feather in his small hat quivering, and he was about to challenge you to a duel when Jadis appeared out of nowhere, seemingly brought back from the dead. You and Reepicheep decide to defend Lewis and Tolkien by warding off the Witch's minions, and after a while and some injuries, you guys manage o.k.

I met Susan Pevensie today, and she showed me the wonderful gifts that Father Christmas had given her...
uhurm, im thinking, you might like him huh? hahaha!

you two were very surprised that you met in a costume party but since you were both dressed up as a narnia charcter you approach one another and there you have it, you were both member of the narnia fans. the night was smooth and he asked you to danced, it was indeed a very lovely night, and as time passes by it was lamost midnight, and Gkon's face was changing, he turned into a vampire and he bit your neck, hehehehe!

Today I met, Julia Roberts, she showed me her work, her place and stuffs, and we chatted for hours and hours,..