Guess who i met today...

But my I saw u two and my fangirly ways intruded my normal way of thinking (which is already messed and I ran towards Gerard and flew him away in my...battery powered wings.

Today I met Tilda Swinton. :rolleyes:
*SkandarsQueen* said:
But my I saw u two and my fangirly ways intruded my normal way of thinking (which is already messed and I ran towards Gerard and flew him away in my...battery powered wings.

Today I met Tilda Swinton. :rolleyes:

I almost died! I got so scared coz of a flash back to Narnia! And I yelled oh no the white witch!

I met Opra today
she started ranting and raving about dieting and caused you to run away.

I met...Skandaghsdaal;. Yup. Wow that was so cool...I meant for it to come out like asdlkjasdlkajskdjasdk but i actually typed Skanda! lol SkANDAAA!!! :D :eek: :D
*SkandarsQueen* said:
she started ranting and raving about dieting and caused you to run away.

I met...Skandaghsdaal;. Yup. Wow that was so cool...I meant for it to come out like asdlkjasdlkajskdjasdk but i actually typed Skanda! lol SkANDAAA!!!

You were both walking and talking aboutlife and everything good when suddenly you tripped on your own foot and fell right into him :eek:

I met....I don't know...William Mosely :cool:
But he ended up getting called into the set of Jackass because they wanted him to run into stores that sell radios and start stripping to the music (it has happened on the show!) so he ended up driving Sofi all the way to Mexico where she nearly fell off a cliff until Prince William rescued her because he was holidaying in Mexico!

Today I met James McAvy (Mr Tumnus!)
Yay! You know who Johnny is!

But James was in his faun costume and embarassed you in front of all your family and friends by going BAHHH BAHHHHHBAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH like a...sheep. :rolleyes: :D

Today I met Johnny Depp.

But Johnny Depp decided he wanted to go back his factory and go sing and dance with Deep Roy (Oompa Loompa's)

I met Amanda Bynes today!
Darn those

But Amanda turned out to be that other girl who dresses up as Amanda..the Amanda Please girl..yeah..and she started interrogating you with questions of where is Amanda.

Today I evil twin.
your best friend ended up murdering your evil twin on top of the effiel tower and you gave her a big hug and thanked her for doing the right decision, she asks what that noise was, when accidently your robot head falls off and you have to quickly put it back on and pretending you are sneezing!

I met myself today!
And then urself hit u on the head and u fell off a ridge into the ocean...and met mermaids..who turned out to be evil mermaids. And then....[Kate ends here].

Today I met Kelly Clarkson.
Now it is Kate's twin sister!!!! (No, jk, I don't have a twin sister, I don't have any sister except for Amanda who lives on the other side of the world!)

Kelly Clarkson was singing to you and got on one leg to propose to you but you ended up screaming like a little girl, she got frightened and ran away!

I met Jacinta Wawaita today (Native girl in King Kong!)
Oh you evil girl, Kate..thats just..wrong....(about Kelly Clarkson) :rolleyes:

But the native only spoke Japanese and you couldnt understand her. Or whatever her language I thought u said Tokyo not King Kong.
and she truly knows a real giant Ape, she tricked you into having lunch or dinner with her, but actually she plan on having you eaten by the Giant APe!!! urgh.. poor you....:p

toady I met,.. Peter Jackson, and eh gave me a one on one tutorial on being a director!!!
Nite night!

Rachel Hurd-Wood was being a real girl and took you out shopping until she started complaining to you about why you forced her to buy a smoothie when she is on a diet and then had a crying fit and you got soo scared you started to back away slowly!

I met Emma Watson, we were playing hockey and it was all going well until!
you thought you saw your crush in the stands, skidded into her, and then she cut her lip. Sorry.

i met gerry butler and we were walking along. then he started to sing Phantom of the Opera with me.