Harry Potter VS. Narnia

I love Narnia better, because at least in Narnia, all the witches and dark people die. IN Harry Potter, he is studying to actually become one.
It's funny...the title of this thread conjures up so many funny mental images.

First off Harry Potter with a bright white face having his wand cut in half by Eustace at the Battle of the Ford at Beruna... Can you say Experio?

Next I see him in a turban, with the same hair cut and glasses but also a handlebar moustache and goatee, as Rabadash. "Oh Susie-Q, won't you be my Snooky Wooky? By the Seven Towers of Bolistan, you are the sugar in my tea!"
Oh..this is hard..I've been a Harry Potter fan just as long as I've been a Narnia fan...I do really love them both,but I must say *sorry Harry!* that I like Narnia better.The magic,love and power of Narnia is just more...um...MAGICAL than Harry Potter could ever be.
Yeah. To avoid the risk of being banned from the site, I have to say that Narnia is better. At least those books have great endings.
In Narnia, every ending is happy, and the Last Battle is the happiest ending of all, even if it is sad.
But at least Susan didn't die. If it were a true story, she could still be alive for all we know! But it's not, and she's not, and it isn't.
Yeah. To avoid the risk of being banned from the site, I have to say that Narnia is better. At least those books have great endings.

Funny. But to state the official line on this, people don't get banned from the site because they like some other book better than Chronicles of Narnia. Otherwise everyone that liked the Bible better would be banned, and that would cost us a few.... :D