How old is Prince Caspian?

Andershulthen said:
Prince Caspian takes place in English time one year after the Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe .
In Narnian time the Pevensies left Narnia in 1015 and Prince Caspian takes place year 2303 when Prince Caspian is 13 years old.
Here is a link with info on narnian history:
that's cool and almost everything that i calculated is almost right! :D

but i was off on rilians age when he vanished! :(
Check in the Last Battle Threads on "Past Watchful Dragons." There appears to be some question about how accurate it is compared to Lewis's vision. I have also noticed that Lewis is dreadfully inaccurate about time, history, geneologies, ect. (can you imagine some of the conversion's Lewis and Tolkien had? Tolkien exactness v. Lewis allegory (sp)). He did put in some congruity, but keep this in mind however old Caspian is in PC or VDT he does get married at the end of VDT, or so I believe. (Gosh I need to reread these things)
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Two Caspians needed

I believe that Prince Caspian will be older than is generally thought here on this thread. Quite a few years pass between the Nurse being sent away in PC (where Caspian is described as "only a very little boy at the time") and the birth of Miraz's son. Between these times:

"He learned sword-fighting and riding, swimming and diving, how to shoot with the bow and play ont he recorder adn the theorbo, how to hunt the stag and cut him up when he was dead, besides Cosmogrpahy, Rhetoric, Heraldry, Versification, and of course History, with a little Law, Physics, Alchemy, and Astronomy."

"After some years there came a time when the Queen seemed to be ill ... etc. etc"QUOTE]

You must remember that Caspian has been raised under false pretenses. He seems rather innocent, young, and naive but this is only because he has been shielded from the truth his entire life by Miraz. This accounts not only for his naivety but also his position in the Telmarine's eyes as "just a boy".

Although the Telmarines consider Caspian to be "just a boy" lacking any warrior capabilities, the facts say otherwise. Not only does PC say,

"Peter had a glimpse of a {werewolf} in the very act of leaping upon a boy about his own age."

which would seem to indicate that at this point Caspian looks a year older than Peter looked in 2006, but also this dialogue would indicate that the Telmarine view of Caspian is warped:

"Please," said Caspian, "could it not be me {to challenge Miraz}? I want to avenge my father."

"You're wounded," said Peter. "And anyway, wouldn't he just laugh at a challenge from you? I mean, we have seen that you are a king and a warrior but he thinks of you as a kid."

A boy of 13, regardless of his bravery, is not going to volunteer to challenge Miraz to "avenge his father". A year after Peter left he looks about the same age as Caspian. Caspian is unquestionably in the range of 15 to 17.

The making of The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian will require two actors for Caspian X; one to play his short role during part of Trumpkin's flashback and another to play his role in the actual film. I would like to think that I could do the latter role excellent justice, though I have no idea who would play the younger part.

Does anyone know how a person might audition for the part of Caspian X? Email address, telephone, or whatever. If anyone has any idea, send me an email: dsmak3{at}gmail{dot}com.

Until later,

"I call all times soon."

David S. MacMillan III
Caspian X, 2008
Emperor of the Lone Isles
I'd say about age 16-18, more on the older end of that scale. When we see Prince Caspian again in the Silver Chair, he's an old, old man, and you figure that about 70 years have gone by ( according to Eustace), making Caspian about in his late 80's, which seemed appropriate an age considering the way his appearance was described. It seemed odd to me that at such an old age, Caspian's son was still a young man.