I could make banners :)

you just need a quote, silly! u have a pic of them kissing, right? so... how bout a quote?
-"you and me"
-"my lifelong dream"
-"i've been waiting"

...:D ...

Of course I know it's a quote, what I mean was What kind of quote.
I like the third one :D I'll use that one. meanwhile, I'll change my avatar as soon as photoshop is working, so you'll have to wait! sorry!! :)
Here's another banner for WPMfan:


Please credit! I mean it!! Or if you are going to use it in another site, kindly still credit because it's like stealing someone else's work, thank you.

If you want a few more adjustments, just tell me and I will fix it for you.

Thank you for requesting.
Here's another banner for WPMfan:


Please credit! I mean it!! Or if you are going to use it in another site, kindly still credit because it's like stealing someone else's work, thank you.

If you want a few more adjustments, just tell me and I will fix it for you.

Thank you for requesting.
WOW GORGEOUS!!! LOL I'll tell her you posted it so she'll get on....

Here's another banner for WPMfan:


Please credit! I mean it!! Or if you are going to use it in another site, kindly still credit because it's like stealing someone else's work, thank you.

If you want a few more adjustments, just tell me and I will fix it for you.

Thank you for requesting.
GORGEOUS!! I'll credit it! Deffianetly....thank you soo much..accept I just noticed it's suppposed to be THEY not THE can you fix that??

She says thanks!!! LOL can you make me one of Eragon[no pic prefrences] that says: Dragon Rider

and a nother of Arya [off of Eragon] that says:ElfianPrincess

and another one of her that says:LadyDragonRider


Here's your banner :D ElfianPrincess!


Sorry if there's only 2 pics becoz Eragon hasn't really come out yet and I have no idea at all Who they are:eek:
Hope you like it! tell me if there's anything you wanna change or add!

and your eragon banner:


Pls. Credit if you're gonna use it! Thanks
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