I don't see how this could be made

Great to see you here matey!
I do agree with your view of the making of the movie, but then I suppose it depends on your view..it depressed the socks off me the first time I read it, but then after that I kinda thought..hey it's not so bad..they get to basically live in Narnia for ever!
At the end of The Return Of The King, there is a description of the Undying Lands from Frodo's point of view. Heaven, if you will. It is incredibly beautiful. C.S. Lewis takes half a novel to describe heaven. How can that be depressing? The ending of the Chronicles is one reason that Lewis, and not Tolkien, is my favorite author. All throughout the Chronicles, he drops little hints here and there. Aslan appearing as a lamb, Aslan telling the children to get to know Him in their own world, seeing Aslan's country in Dawn Treader. Finally the stable door is burst open and heaven is revealed through the eyes of the children. It is the most beautiful piece of prose I have ever read. It makes me want to get to know my Lord and Savior in this world, and look forward to seeing Him in the next.

EDIT: You're right though, it sounds hard to film.
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Oh, if LB was ever made, I know I'd cry uncontrolably...
& then go see it again the next day and have another good cry.
Repeat the cycle about 5 more times.

But, yeah. It's sad in a happy way.
I mean, it's sad they're "gone" well, from our plane, but they're happy in Narnia, which is truly perfect. So, really, we shouldn't be sad... Even though it's in our human nature that death=sadness.

Concluding, yeah, It'd be sad. I'd cry for a long time after seeing it. But, a few tears shed is worth telling that story.
It would be difficult to recreate the feelings made in the book that has cause many people to love the book so much. There would have to be a lot of co-operation between music, acting, set design, and CGI to pull it off. My biggest fear is they release this movie too quickly, without paying enough attention to the elements that would make the movie great.
In controdiction I have never found the LB any more or any less depressing than any of the previouse books
LWTW had Aslan himself sacrifice his life and then return ...
Each story deals with loss and it pluchs at the heart strings as we deal and live through each characters trials and hard ships that make them stronger.... even the inability to not return to narnia for peter and susan is a loss for a time of their own paradise and child hood fantasies
In my beleif LB tells us that nothing dies.. we all go on and step through a door to another world..a paradise
How can that be depressing?.. when the world aches and pains, when hope seems lost and you are in your darkest hour, Aslan is with you still, and all those you beleive lost are there with you... death has no hold..
The last book I beleive is the most important baring the first.. it is what drives home the power and love of Aslan and the power of dreams and good..

As far as filming of this would be... they made a realistic lion out of a computer -.- I think a stable door entering paradise wouldnt be as hard as you think
My favorite part is when Tumnus (i think) says that if you just walk far enough you'll see that other worlds are all connected to Aslan's country. I will always believe that when I get to heaven, I will be able to walk over to Narnia because that sounds pretty darn perfect to me. I love the idea that God has his own country that is a more beautiful and clearer version of not only my world but all worlds. After all, it would be difficult for me, Charles Dickens, and Queen Elizabeth to live in the same world, none of us would be comfortable. I think the last battle shows that God (aslan) has heaven perfectly planned out.
I cry whenever I read LB, but I don't find it depressing at all!

I also cry every time I read the end of the Lord of the Rings: it's not depressing, but it is melancholy.

And those are the exact emotions the authors were aiming for.

Lewis makes us love Aslan's country so much, and depicts it so beautifully, that smiling is not enough. It's either laugh or cry.

Tolkien is writing from our own perspective. He makes the next world so beautiful (without describing it at all) that we are happy for those who go there, but are wistful about it.

They are both masters at evoking yearning . Lewis is wonderful at explaining exactly why we're yearning for Aslan's country. Tolkien does a better job of evoking the feeling without giving an explanation. He provides the signpost; Lewis the destination.

...Maybe this is a post for another forum, but I just want to ask:

Has anyone else ever cried at the end of the Prydain Chronicles?

It's the only other series that's affected me like this, and I haven't read those books in twenty years. (Oh, and Susan Cooper's "The Grey King", but that wasn't the end of the series.)
The Last Battle Would Be The Best Of Them All

Would a LB movie be incredibly sad? Yes. Would it be the most fabulous of all the movies? Definitely. Why? Because it would offer both a happy and sad ending to the story. Life isn't about completely happy endings. Good people die all the time. No other book in the series portrays this as well as The Last Battle, in my opinion. If the series is indeed made wholly into movies, The Last Battle would be--again, in my opinion--the most important of all.
Yeah, I think the makers would find it too sad, and screw up the story line so that either Susan comes too, or the kids survive the crash and tell their descendents all about Narnia! :eek:
I don't think they'll change the book like that. I think they would probably add some line or scene somewhere to imply that Susan is just a little further behind the others. A way to give us hope that she makes it. My problem is how to make the new Narnia so much more amazing than the old. LB gives me chills everytime I read it so that would be the real difficulty I think.
I'd like to see Susan at the end of the movie grieving somewhere. I know I'll be in tears watching that moment.

onlymystory said:
I don't think they'll change the book like that. I think they would probably add some line or scene somewhere to imply that Susan is just a little further behind the others. A way to give us hope that she makes it. My problem is how to make the new Narnia so much more amazing than the old. LB gives me chills everytime I read it so that would be the real difficulty I think.
Ya really think they wouldn't change it?
Oh yes, it would. Disney are jerks and they will most likely take the fun out of the books, and the true "being" of the books. I would much rather make up my own movie, lol! :D
I too am interested as to how Disney will tell this tale. First off I have to sadly say there's no 100% chance they'll even make it as far as TLB, they may do Prince Caspian and that's it or go a bit further... let's all just hope.

Second off, yeah it's one of those things you can't possibly imagine how they'll do. But they're professionals; I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for the story as well.
If they didn't do it then there would be the final piece missing. I think that it wasn't that bad. They didn't even know they had gone. I think that is how Lewis expected it to be like when we died and went to heaven.
According to my friend, he has a DVD for each of the movies (Not by Disney of course), except for the Last Battle. He said they didn't make one. Is it really that hard to make?