I don't see how this could be made

I don't think it's a question of whether it's hard to make visually, but story-wise. I mean the Friends of Narnia DIE!! Film makers are afraid of children leaving the theaters in tears, that it's too sad.
It's definitely possible...with all the special efects we have right now...

However, I don't know about you, but I would surely cry during movie seven. I don't care that the other Narnias are better than the first one, Narnia is no more!*snif*
actually i think that it could be made to be inspirational to children just as CSL intended. After all, seeing that for being good, those children and Lord Digory ended up in such a beautiful place might show them promises of things to come :)

Besides, the narnia stories all get more and more mature with time so i imagine that by the time we get to the last battle most children would be able to get the point. As for the younger children, it will be a matter of discretion in terms of how they explain it to them.
I think the movie can be made. We have awesome graphics now, and just think of how fast they are progressing. I mean in 94 we were amazed by Jurassic Park and then again in 97 by The Lost World: Jurassic Park and then the new Star Wars movies and then all the others that I cannot remember...lol....

I also think the movie will most definitely be given a PG-13 rating, because the war and the fact that it opens with a train wreck, and then Tash--cause I hope they make him really gruesome/scary--he is supposed to be. But yeah, it will be sad they die--in theatre--because it definitely was in the book, but like someone said--because they were good, they go to a better place.
One of the Best Movies

The thing I love about the Chronicles being made into movies is that CSL gives us tons of details, but doesn't hammer it down like with other books, such as Harry Potter. I think that's what is going to make all of the Narnia movies great if they make them. Personally, I find The Voyage of the Dawn Treader far more emotional in a sad way than LB. The Last Battle shows that there will be nothing but happiness forever. At the end of VoDT, you see that everything could be perfect, but then have to turn away. You get to the end of the world and have to go back to normal life.(by you i mean Caspian and the crew, not Reepicheep and the kids.) The one thing I can see happening with LB is that the acting is not going to be good enough. This is a book that shows that the world is ending, evil is taking over the world, and an all-out war is going on throughout virtually they whole thing. I believe that when they make The Horse and His Boy, they're really going to have to set up the Calormenes enough to make LB a good movie. If everyone works hard enough Last Battle will probably end up being the best movie in the series. The only one I can see being better is VoDT, because that's just the best, best, best, best ever. I really hope they do all of the movies, because without the full arc, the concept of Narnia really doesn't make as much sense.
I would be more depressed if they didn't create every movie. I actually don't find the book depressing at all. I find it more beautiful than the mind can take in. Just thinking about it.. a world within a world within a world. I used to have a slight death anxiety, a fear of death as you will. After starting these books, I haven't the thought of fear in my head. The end isn't when the body dies, everyone simply goes on. I believe the world of Narnia expands wherever your heart does, that is why they saw England. That was their happy times, before the war.. with their parents. Heaven is what you make it.. like that movie "What Dreams May Come".
Music and Image would have to be leveraged heavily as storytelling tools.

I have some past in cinema. I'll be glad to share my ideas with you....

First mental image: TOSCA. A man is imprisoned at the top of a tower with a staircase running up and around the outside of it much like they do on big oil storage tanks. His lover, at the bottom, has the pardon that would set him free. She comes on stage. The music has switched from the tragedy of him dying alone to a calm, low, anticipatory few bars as their eyes meet. She begins to run UP the stairs, he to run DOWN. The music literally climbs. They don't just go STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP down this long staircase. The music, in climbing, makes a rush up the stairs seem to gain momentum. Then a climax. They embrace. After what would be considered a decent interval comes the first line of dialog. A melodic line that ascends would make one long run in a straight line on a featureless grass plain MOVE FORWARD. Literally the score could move higher up and further in.

Second mental image: POCAHONTAS. Missing time. It's not just for alien abductions. You break up the rush into a series of shots and as you interrupt the train of thought you also screw up the viewer's perception of time. Here we see what could be a long and very tedious rush of Pocahontas in Disney's film to stop the execution. Instead there are three areas...the executioners, the white rescue party, and Pocahontas herself....

Wh: Now we'll make them pay!
Po: Eagle help my feet be swift
Ex: Swift without a warning
Po: Mountain help my heart be great
Wh: We will leave them lying in the dust!
Po: I don't know what I can do, still I know I've got to try!

These rapid shots are tied together by the song. They rush by in a mad montage in a process known as jump cutting. The progress does not become anarchy because the whites are running left to right in every shot and the natives facing right to left. Think about LWW in the battle scenes. It is ALWAYS the case that the good guys go left to right in American/Canadian/European movies because English speakers read from left to right. The bad guys always are going right to left. They almost never vary.

You just have to let the music and visual grammar bear part of the burden at the expense of written words.
Chakal said:
Think about LWW in the battle scenes. It is ALWAYS the case that the good guys go left to right in American/Canadian/European movies because English speakers read from left to right. The bad guys always are going right to left. They almost never vary.



I have never noticed that, but it makes great sense!
Look at the credits of a movie for CONTINUITY. That person is the one that makes sure the carnation is in the same side of your lapel if they stop filming on friday and take up on monday shooting shots that are all supposed to be happening the same day. They even bring a polaroid camera (or now a digicam) to verify everything visually.

The grammar of establishing shot, medium shot, closeup, tracking, etc etc was invented by D. W. Griffith, the great silent film director who ironically only wanted to make his fortune so he could afford to sit down and write the great American novel. (He never did). His INTOLERANCE is a model of "Art Film" technique.

The technique of filming as a series of shots rather than just letting the camera run unchecked like a stage play was further developed by the Russian filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein. His use of crowd scenes was revolutionary in films like THE BATTLESHIP POTEMPKIN and will even to this day have some basic influence how battles are shot as in LWW or certainly TLB.

Back to the original topic, YES, it will be important to have camera plane shots and show the grand picture which can be augmented a thousand fold with CGI so that the hundreds of happy people running higher up and further in reflect the grandeur of the last hurrah. The "it was like you could touch them" business about other worlds you could see from miles and miles away will no doubt have to be montage, special effect, and perhaps even a peaceful, eerie tracking shot, probably strobed to make it otherworldly. Disolve from distance into mid shot, then close up, then BCU...finally freeze frame or ultra slow of a hand reaching up to touch someone's face. You realize you are seeing them from hundreds of miles away as if they were in the room with you. Then cross dissolve back into the rapt face of the person having the experience. IT CAN BE DONE FOLKS, really. Cheaply, no. But possible.
If they did not film TLB, Im sure many fans (as myself, for it is my favorite) would be dissapointed. As King Tirian is my favorite charatcer, I would be sad to see him not get any screen time.

First time I read LB..It just seemed different from the other 6, and it really, really exitced me. And after reading the first 2 chapters..I just completely loved it, though I find the ending a little dull-dont ask why. And some of the best and noblest charatcers are introduced in it.