If you could have a few fantasy creatures as friends what ould you have?

probably not. if they're good that is. but then again i dont really know much about satyrs. i was always interested in animals rather thatn beings. maybe you should ask green knight. if i had a farmiliar i would say, i have no idea, there is too many for me to choose from.
Like if they were on aslan's side they would be good natured and not do such a thing, but whatever anyone i still think satyrs are neat, and would be fun to hang out with.
Green Knight said:
In Norse mythology, there where two types of elves, the Lios Alfar (Light Elves) and the Svart Alfar (Dark Elves). There are mane different versions of dwarves, in most legends, its the trolls who turn to stone when sunlight hits them.
Knight is right, in all areas in this statement.
It all comes down to who is writing the story. From what I get, satyrs are the ones with the nasty habit, but Fauns, the Italian cousins of the Satyr, where a little more civilized. Also, according to another source, fauns had legs like those of a deer, not a goat, and no horns. It think they were supposed to symbolize the wild places and the people that lived in them.

(I'm only the current holder of the office of the Green Knight. ;) :D )
Imps live like primitive, stone age gnomes. They are nastly little buggars and a couple have wings but not typically. Imps also have no hair...at all. And they look nasty. They dont wear much either, mostly just lioncloths and the occasional primitive jewlery. They have characteristics like a pixie almost and have about as much mischief coursing through their blood.
Oh, I belive that is Beauty and the beast. (Don't worry; everyone else has asked too!!!)
Green Knight said:
Imps are low level demons. You wouldn't want one as a friend.
Imps are the second lowest class of demons. They are creatures that are used by magician's and witch's as messengers and spies. The next highest are foliots and djinn and afrits and greater entities. The lowest class is... I can't remember the name.