
How much Irish are you??

  • Full Irish

    Votes: 5 4.7%
  • Part Irish (Any Percentage)

    Votes: 102 95.3%

  • Total voters
Many do Celebrion, many do lol :D
Yeah I want to box...anyone watch the movie about the Irishman during the Depression, "Cinderella Man"? Suchhh a good movie ! :D:D:D
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C'mon! We're Irish! If we want this thread to live, we're going to fight for it!

How about ........................The Boondock Saints? My favorite movie besides Narnia. :D I doubt anyone has really seen it, because we're mainly Christians on this site, but I seriously love it.
Hi there, I’m eighth Irish (Keith Clan)... and eighth English *dodges incoming rotten fruit*:eek:. I love traditional Irish music, I’ve been playing the penny whistle for about two years and just took up the Irish Flute and Bodhran. I also got a bagpipe practice chanter this year at the Celtic Festival, a lot of fun that. And I attended a Celtic Woman concert last May! As for the temper, not so much, oh well can’t win ‘em all, eh?

Welcome, Lord Eirek!! It doesn't matter if you're only eighth Irish, we like everybody lol.

I don't know exactly how Irish I am. I just know it's mainly Irish, a German was in my family a long way back, and one of my ancestors came over from England on the Mayflower. *shrug* Other than that, I'm completely Irish.

*outrageous Irish accent* Ye don't have the Irish temper?! :p
Haha woot..some replies...welcome Lord Eirek...oh and I've only seen a part of Boondock Saints, but from what I saw looked really good
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also..FaunFan1 actually gave me this idea, from me looking at her something along the lines "I am Irish!" in your info, if you want to sport somepride in our heritage
lol Glad to be of service. :p
I'm making the announcement that I'm Irish a bit bigger in my sig, so people will notice it more. And of course, it's already in my profile.
You live in Ireland? Lucky. I'm in Boston, though. Southie is made up of mostly Irish people.
Oops. "Southie" is the nickname for South Boston, I just realized you guys might not have a understood what the heck I was talking about ..... XD

'The Boondock Saints' is set in Southie, in fact .....
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FaunFan = Boston red sox fan? :D :D I have no grudge against them, for myself am a twins fan : ] .... Anyone know [if they don't live in Ireland, or if you do and you want to post it anyways] what part of Ireland their heritage line dates back to? Mine is the village Roscommon, in County Roscommon