last battle moments

The charge of Peter's or Aslan's army when the music goes pretty much silent and Orieus draws his two swords. The quiet before the storm.
I think he means the book itself, The Last Battle. My favorite part is when Tirian finds himself on the other side of the door and sees that it is a lovely place, not a dank, smelly stable.

iMove to Last Battle thread.
Hmm..I liked the part when they rescued Jewel and when Roonwit comes and tells Tirian and Jewel about the false Aslan, when the Dryad comes. And I liked the stable parts and eveything..and when Tash came. and The Battle.

lol..:D I like so many parts. no wonder its my fav. one.
I love the ending, when Lewis says wonderful things started to happen that he can't describe -- and you know it is heaven he is describing ... I love the very ending.
I like candy

Thats nice for you............................

Oh yeah..for some reason..I find the ending of the book..kinda dull. I dunno..I just really like the action during the whole book..then when Tirian gets into the Stable..I kinda..uhh...:eek:

but.its still great! I always find a boring part in a book. :rolleyes:
I like Tirian's exasperated words concerning the existence of Aslan: "Do you think I carry Him around in my wallet?"
I really like the part where the group of dwarves are in the new Narnia and they think they are in the stable. Also when they are climbing the waterfall.
I think the best part is Jewel, the Unicorn, in the New Narnia when he says that this is the place he has been looking for all of his life. I believe that will be like us as well.
I think the best part is Jewel, the Unicorn, in the New Narnia when he says that this is the place he has been looking for all of his life. I believe that will be like us as well.

I agree! The ending is the best. We could all imagine till the end of time what it would have been like and never find anything grand enough to describe it all. Who could describe heaven in words that would do it justice? I loved the fact that Peter, Edmund, and Lucy got to return to the place they loved and the friends they loved so much. Even though it wasn't the old was still Narnia...only better.