Mod Q&A Thread II

Sees text saying 'Don't tell the mods it's here. *wink*'


Well...I guess I won't. :rolleyes: Seems to me that they might be able to see it. Like I did. I can even tell that it's low res. And it's not the Real Thing.
I don't see it! I know nothing of the big red button with BAN written on it! There's nothing there!

*struggles with his own hand, which is reaching slowly for the dread button...*
Oh, come on now!

We swears to keep the Preci - er, Button safe from the Mads... we swears...

NO! Don't you touch it. Don't you dare touch it or Sam'll beat you up. Bad Smeagol...bad bad bad. NO TOUCHY! You want to be like those greedy Mads? I don't think snap out of it and be a Non-Mad for Heaven and Pete's sake!
Heaven and Pete's sake? Wow, you really are goin full on, aren't you?

Yes ma'am...err...sir. (sorry had to do that!)

Here's a question for the Mods-How come no one belives me when I say I can fly??? :D

Because HB already, like, TOTALLY used that waaaaaaaaay too many times (and plus, WE have tinker bell).

'Cuz HB already exhausted their store of gullibility with the very same fib. :p


LOL...well put. :D


But people where I live who have never heard of HB don't believe me either!

That's because WE HAVE TINKER BELL!

Probably because YOU exhausted their store of gullibility already, then... :D

or that...