My Front Porch Looking In (Star Wars Prequel Re-write)

Part 4

When I opened my eyes, I saw blackness. Then, painfully blinding light pierced my eyes. I didn’t remember much of the past couple of days, just that whenever the light came on, pain filled my body. This time, though, nothing happened.

“We will forgo our usual routine for today.” A female voice said. “I want some cooperation from you.”

“You’ll be here a while then.” I expected a jolt of electricity or a slap on the cheek but there was none. I left my eyes closed; it was less painful if they were.

“You are my key to obi-wan Kenobi; he will come after you if the council allows.” She continued.

“What do you want with him?” I asked, thoroughly committing to not give her anything she wanted.

I almost heard her smile. “You don’t know who I am, do you?”

“I could really care less” I answered, my face leaning against the wall that I was chained to.

She moved closer to me. Risking pain, I opened my eyes to look at her. “I am Asajj Ventress, apprentice of Count Dooku.”

“Congratulations” I muttered.

She reached over and slapped me on the cheek, and not too gently either. “Soon you will learn to fear me.”

“I don’t fear anyone who uses fear as a tactic.” I retorted back. Searing, painful jolts of electricity coursed through my body. It felt like electricity anyway; exactly what it was I don’t know. This went on for several more hours until I finally passed out into blissful darkness.

“Obi-Wan where are you headed?” Siri asked as she caught up with Obi-Wan in the Temple.

“The Council has called an emergency meeting; they wanted me to be there because they have a lead on Petra’s whereabouts” He answered without looking at her or slowing his stride.

“Where is she?” Siri asked again.

“I don’t know, Siri. They wouldn’t tell me anything.” He replied.

She touched his arm and he slowed down. “I want to help.”

He turned to look at her. “And why might I ask?”
“Because you’ve been grouchy lately and I’m tired of it. Besides I miss making her mad; she always gets so riled” Siri replied.

“I’m not in the mood to discuss this with you.” He turned to leave.

“Maybe you’re just so in love with her you can’t see straight.” She retorted.

He stopped and clinched his fists. “That has nothing to do with this.”

She crossed her arms and nodded. “It has everything to do with this; because once upon a time you told me you loved me.”

“That was a long time ago, Siri; things have changed.” He answered.

“So you have no feelings for me?” she quipped as he walked off.

“I’m late” was his reply as he walked off.

Siri watched him leave; ever since we had first met, a rivalry had ensued between us over Obi-Wan, even though he was married to me. She didn’t know that of course; neither one of us planned to tell her that either. Some things were better left unsaid.

“We have news that Petra is being held by Asajj Ventress.” Mace said as the Council meeting came to order.

“Do we know why?” Obi-Wan asked.

“No, but we suspect Count Dooku was responsible. He was the last one seen with her.” Mace replied.

Obi-wan sighed. “I request to be sent after her.”
“Your feelings for her, you must bury. Hinder you, they will” Yoda said. “But your request, granted it is, if at least another Jedi you take with you.”

“Are Anakin or Siri scheduled to be on a mission anytime soon?” Obi-wan asked.

“No. They can both go with you if you would prefer” Mace said.

Obi-Wan bowed. “Be careful, you must Obi-Wan. Asajj, very dangerous she is, as you know. May the Force be with you” Yoda said. Obi-Wan left the council room and ran into Anakin.

“Master, Siri told me that you were headed to the Council chambers.” Anakin said.

“They know where Petra is. We’re going after her.” Obi-Wan replied.

“We?” Anakin asked.

“Yes, ‘we.’ I plan to ask Siri to go along.” Obi-Wan said.

“If Petra finds out about you two…” Anakin began.

“She’ll kill me, I know; but I trust Siri to go with us. Siri won’t make a move on me if that’s your concern; getting your sister back is my concern. Now go find Siri and meet me on the landing platform in twenty minutes.” Obi-Wan walked off without waiting for a reply or giving Anakin further instructions. As Obi-Wan walked to the landing platform, thoughts of ‘Is she all right; is she even still alive?’ raced through his mind. He ran through a quick pre-flight and started the engines as Siri and Anakin boarded.

“Come on, Kenobi; let’s go save Skywalker.” Siri said as she sat behind Obi-Wan.

“Master, if you prefer I could pilot.” Anakin said as he strapped in behind Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan didn’t reply as he pulled up on the stick and guided the ship out of Coruscant’s atmosphere. He set the course given to him by the Council and engaged hyperspace.

“He won’t come after me” I said, gritting my teeth.

“Surely he loves you enough to come rescue you.” Asajj replied.

“How do you know he loves me?” I snapped back. I winced as another jolt hit me. “Besides, if he does come he’ll make you wish you didn’t touch me.” I heard quick footsteps then felt a hard slap on the cheek.

“You will cooperate if it’s the last thing I make you do.” Asajj said angrily. A beeping on the wall indicated an incoming transmission. She tapped it open and a hologram of Count Dooku appeared.

“We have just received word: Obi-Wan Kenobi has left Coruscant on a rescue mission for the girl.”
There's no way to get around it, if the girl's captured the guy is going to go after her... ;) :p

Sweet entry Obi :D
Very nice banner. But I should be telling Lila that...

And interesting updates. I wonder how things will turn out between Petra, Siri and Obi-Wan.
“Is there anyone else with him?” Asajj asked coolly.

“Only two other Jedi, Anakin Skywalker and Siri Tachi. They shouldn’t pose much of a problem. Report back when you have defeated them.” The hologram of Dooku disappeared and it appeared Asajj’s anger had cooled for the moment. She went over to the wall and picked up a black mask. She walked back over to me, holding it up for me to see.

“What’s that?” I asked, even though I was trying to act disinterested.

“This, my dear, is something I have reserved for your husband. Knowing Kenobi he won’t put up much of a fight…then again, your life is what he’d be trying to save; though it’s not much to save.” She smirked and I rolled my eyes. Something again started beeping as monitors seemed to come alive.

“Ship detected, belonging to the Jedi Order of the Republic; three life signs on board. Course of action?”

“Let them land.” Asajj said.

“I have a bad feeling about this” Siri said as Obi-Wan landed the ship.

“I’m going in alone. More than likely Asajj is just after me.” He replied as he stood up.

“Master, going in there alone would be suicide. Besides, the council sent us with you.” Anakin said firmly.

Obi-Wan shook his head. “I need to do this alone.” He walked to the ramp of the ship, but Siri stopped him.

“Listen, I know you want to save her yourself but you’ll need backup” she touched his arm.

“Siri, this could be an ambush; if I go in alone, and don’t come back out, then you’ll know to get more help. But this is something I should do myself.” He replied, shaking his head.

She kissed him on the lips quickly. “You’d better bring her and you out safely in one piece. If you’re not out of there within three hours we’ll get help.”
He shook his head again and pulled the hood up over his head, walking down the ramp and into the dark cave-like structure. He ignited his lightsaber, using it and the Force to guide him through the dark. He didn’t feel anything but darkness around him. He heard a noise behind him but before he could turn to meet it, he was stunned and unconscious.

I had been asleep…although it was very uncomfortable when I heard a lot of noise. Too tired and weak to even open my eyes I just stayed still, fearing more torture. “Finally, I have both Kenobis in my care. This should be interesting.”

My eyes snapped open suddenly, traveling to the figure chained beside me, whose face was covered with the black mask. He turned his head to look at me but didn’t get very far. I figured the mask and the way he was chained inhibited his movements. Asajj left the room for a few minutes. “Some rescue this turned out to be, Kenobi” I said jokingly.

“You don’t have to rub it in Skywalker.” He replied with no trace of humor. “How are you?”

“I’ve been better.” I said, not wanting to make him feel worse. Really, I was horrible: the wounds from the arena battle were infected and sore, the torture scars were painful each time I moved, and I was pretty sure I had a few cracked or broken ribs. Asajj returned before we could continue our conversation.

She tapped a few buttons on the torture control panel and I could tell she raised she amount of voltage. Each time she had tortured me, I kept back the cries that threatened to escape but now, the pain was too great NOT to cry out. Over my own screams, I heard Obi-Wan’s voice. “Let her go!” He struggled to free himself from the chains but he was prohibited from using the Force.

Siri paced back and forth in the ship. “It’s been three and a half hours. I say we go get help.”

“Maybe we should give him another half-hour. He could have run into trouble” Anakin said.

She continued pacing. “Fine, if he’s not back within thirty minutes, we will contact the Jedi and ask for clone troopers.”

Anakin sighed. Siri stopped pacing and placed her hand on his shoulder. “I’m sure your sister is all right. She’s strong like Obi-wan; they’ll both be fine.” She smiled at him even though she was equally skeptical.

“Your wife and I have had a lovely time; it’d be a shame to let her go so soon.” Asajj smiled smugly. She pressed the button again. Obi-Wan’s anger was nearly at the boiling point.

“Your deal is with me, not with her, so let her go.” Obi-Wan said angrily.

Asajj stepped over to me and slapped me on the cheek. “Your wife is very strong; she’s survived several days of this. I wonder if you are as strong.”

“I’m sending word. I don’t want to think of what might be happening to them right now.” Siri said as she prepared a transmission. “This is Jedi Knight Siri Tachi; I request to speak with the Jedi council.”

A Jedi answered her. “The Council is in session, but I can…”

“This is an emergency; I need to speak with them now.” She said firmly.

“Yes, Master Tachi.” The Jedi muted the communication as she rolled her eyes and waited.

“Master Tachi, news for us you have?” Yoda asked as the transmission was transferred to the Council chambers.

“Yes, Master Yoda. Obi-Wan went in after Petra about four hours ago and he hasn’t returned. We haven’t heard anything from him or her. What should we do?” Siri asked worriedly.

Yoda stroked his chin in thought. “Wait for help, you must. Clone troopers we will send.”

“Thank you Master Yoda. We will wait for reinforcements. Tachi out.” She closed the transmission and leaned back in the chair.

“So help me Asajj, if I ever get out of these chains…” Obi-Wan began.

“Or what? You’ll kill me? Ooh, I’m shaking.” Asajj said sarcastically.

A battle droid entered the chamber. “We detected a transmission from the Jedi ship to Coruscant; they’re sending reinforcements.”

“Typical of the Jedi: sending backup.” Asajj shook her head.

“You can do whatever you want with me, just please let her go.” Obi-wan said, pleadingly.

“Somehow I doubt that.” Asajj replied.

“Obi-Wan, I’m not worth your life.” I said, not wanting to leave Kenobi in her hands.

“Well, now that I think about it, I really only wanted Obi-Wan. Now that I have him, you are no longer needed.” Asajj said, looking at me. She waved her hand and my chains released, dropping me to the floor. I winced and sucked in a breath. She nodded to the battle droids. “Take her outside and leave her there. The other two will come after her.”

The battle droids, five of them, picked me up by the arms. Everything inside me screamed to fight to stay but the physical strength was not there. I locked eyes with Obi-Wan and I saw tears sliding down his cheeks. The battle droids dumped me outside of the cave entrance, the cold evening air making my sides hurt worse. I looked up and saw a ship sitting several hundred feet from me before I passed out.

“What’s that?” Anakin nearly shouted as he stood up, looking out the cockpit window. Siri pulled out some binoculars and adjusted them for night.

“It’s a person; it’s Petra.” She said. Anakin was out the door before Siri finished my name and ran over to me.

Anakin picked me up and carried me back to the ship. “Let’s go.”

“But what about Obi-Wan?” Siri asked.

“Petra’s barely alive; Obi-Wan can hang on a couple of days.” Anakin laid me down on a bunk and started the engines.

“Anakin, we can’t leave him!” She argued.

“I love Obi-Wan too, but Petra is more important to me.” He set the coordinates back to Coruscant and configured the hyperspace coordinates as the ship left the planet. Before Siri could object any further the ship was in hyperspace and we were on our way back to Coruscant.

“Malee, how is she?” Anakin asked as he made his twentieth trip to see me in the infirmary.

Malee shook her head. “She still has a high fever and her wounds won’t heal. We’ve tried everything to bring her fever down and we’ve tried healing her wounds but she just won’t recover. I finally was able to sedate her. But other than that, I don’t know what else we can do for her.”

“Maybe this is connected with Obi-Wan still being with Asajj. Petra knows he’s there.” Anakin observed. “The Council is gathering clone troops and tomorrow morning we’re going back for him.”

“Something needs to be done. If I can’t heal her wounds or bring her fever down, she’ll die.” Malee shook her head again sadly. I started to toss and turn and moan in pain, Obi-Wan’s pain adding to my own. I was unaware of what Malee and Anakin were saying, but I was aware of what Obi-Wan was going through. Malee sedated me again, my body relaxing somewhat and me drifting back into a painless sleep.

“We’ve been surrounded by clones!” A battle droid exclaimed.

Asajj closed her hand into an angry fist. “Evacuate; this Jedi is not worth our surrender.” She bent down next to Obi-Wan. “It’s been lovely but we really must be going. Don’t think this is the last time we’ll see each other, Obi-Wan Kenobi. I assure you, this is only the beginning.” And with that, she turned out of the chamber and into a waiting ship.

Siri motioned to the clone troops to follow her into the cave. They did so quietly and slowly. She ignited her lightsaber and let the Force guide her to Obi-Wan. They met a couple of battle droids, which she killed quickly. She untied Obi-Wan and pulled the mask off his head. “Petra, is she all right?” He asked wearily.

“She’s back on Coruscant; but I think it’s time you join her.” Siri said, supporting him. A trooper supported Obi-Wan on the other side and they walked back to the waiting ship. They laid him down on a bunk and he passed out. The clone troopers filed back onto the ship and they left for Coruscant.

“Come on, Petra; please respond to this.” Malee pleaded as she injected me with another fever reducer. She dabbed my forehead with a cool wet cloth but it wasn’t making much of a difference. She was about to administer another pain reliever when they brought in Obi-Wan.

“He’s not as bad as Petra is. He just has a few bruised ribs and some other injuries. You two better leave.” Barriss said to Anakin and Siri. Anakin started to protest but knew that his presence wouldn’t help any. He and Siri left in silence. Anakin went to Padme’s apartments but he just paced back and forth there. Padme got nothing out of him so she just let him be.

Barriss was able to heal Obi-Wan within a few minutes. “How’s Petra doing?” She asked.

“She’s still not responding to the medication.” Malee replied. “She…” Malee trailed off when she saw my vital signs. My fever started going down, responding to her recent dose of fever reducer. Malee looked at Barriss and started to heal my injuries again. This time, she was able to heal them.

“Obi-Wan being rescued must have helped.” Barriss observed. Malee nodded and smiled as my eyes fluttered open.

I opened my mouth to talk. “Shh, don’t talk. You need your rest. Obi-Wan is here beside you.” Malee said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

“I’m thirsty” I said hoarsely. Malee nodded and brought me back a glass of water. She helped me to sip it. Painful as it was, I hadn’t had a drink of water in several days. I drank the whole glass of water and two more. She let me drink more quickly than she should have and my stomach cramped as a result. She gave me a pain reliever and told me to lie back and rest. I wanted to get up and go to Obi-Wan’s side but the pain reliever started taking effect and I fell asleep once more, though this time, I was more peaceful because of obi-Wan’s presence.
“She’s doing well, Master Kenobi. When she wakes up, I’ll give her one final exam then send her home.” I heard Malee say. I opened my eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the light. Obi-Wan was standing beside me.

“She’s awake.” Obi-Wan said, smiling. Malee examined me one last time then left. I felt Obi-Wan’s warm hand on my forehead.

“How…how long was I asleep?” I asked him. He didn’t look as he had when I had seen him; he looked like he was healed and normal.

“About two days. Malee sedated you the first day and you were asleep because of that but it wore off and you were still asleep. She figured it would be better if she let you sleep and rest.” He answered and smoothed back the hair that had fallen over my face. He bent down and kissed me on the forehead. “How about we go home? You’ll be more comfortable there.”

I was still sleepy from my two days’ of sleep and my only response to Obi-Wan’s question was a nod and I fell back asleep. Obi-Wan looked at Malee, who was standing a ways off and shook his head. He picked me up and carried me back to our quarters. “How is she?” Anakin asked as Obi-Wan opened the door.

“She’s fine; Malee said she’d be pretty tired the next few days, but she’s recovering.” Obi-Wan answered as he laid me down on the bed and pulled the covers over me. He kissed me on the cheek and sat down on the couch.

“Then why do you look worried?” Anakin asked again.

Obi-Wan sighed and shook his head. “Asajj is still out there and she got away with hurting Petra. If I ever see her again she’ll regret it.”

“Maybe that’s what Asajj is trying to get you to feel. She knows that Petra is your weakness, Master.” Anakin observed.

“Petra isn’t my weakness, Padawan.” Obi-Wan answered.

“Whatever you say” Anakin replied and walked out. Obi-Wan sighed again and leaned back on the couch, but he was too worried to sleep. He just sat back and meditated until he did fall asleep.

The next day, I felt good enough to get up and walk around a little, much to Obi-Wan’s objections. However I griped and complained long enough that he conceded and walked with me some around the temple.

“The Jedi Council is considering conducting a search for Asajj. She can’t have gotten far.” Obi-Wan said as we walked around the infirmary.

“You won’t be going on that will you?” I asked worriedly.

“I don’t know. I may request that someone else be considered to lead the mission.” He sighed again. I rested my other hand on his arm and squeezed it.

“I’ll be fine, Kenobi. Your first priority is to the Jedi, not to me.” I said.

“But with your injuries…” He started.

I placed a finger on his lips. “My injuries are healing; I’m just very tired right now. Malee said I’d be back to my old self in another week or so. If the Council wants you to go, then go. I’ll be right here waiting for you.” I kissed him on the cheek and we made our way to the archives, or more correctly, our secret rendezvous point.
“Do you need to go back?” Obi-Wan asked, concern in his eyes.

I shook my head. “No. I’m fine.” He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me on the lips.

“I won’t let anything ever happen to you again Skywalker.” He said, the promise evident on his face.

I smiled at him. “Unfortunately my destiny isn’t in your hands, Kenobi.” I sighed and leaned against him.

“Now, I want to know what the connection was between you and Jango.” He asked.

I took a breath. “When I was 11 a man nearly beat me to death. That’s why Jango recognized me. He was the one who had beaten me. I had a few broken ribs and a punctured lung; and they’ve never been fully healed until a few days ago.”

I felt Obi-Wan’s grip tighten around me then relax. “I’m sorry. Had I known…”

“Not going wouldn’t have helped either way, and you know it. You needed me.” I answered, looking up at him.

He shrugged. “I suppose I did. I’m just sorry that you were…tortured.”

“You didn’t know. That wasn’t your fault.” I said reassuringly. “We should go back. I’m getting tired again.”

He released me and held my arm and we started walking back to our quarters. It took a year for both of us to fully heal, even though Obi-Wan went on occasional missions. There was little to no word of Asajj or her minions for that year, but I knew the time would come. Whenever that would be.

We were talking in the infirmary when Siri ran up to us. “The Council is requesting our presence.” She made a point to look at Obi-Wan when she said it; ignoring that I was standing there.

“I’ll have Anakin to…” Obi-wan began.

“They want you specifically.” She retorted.

Obi-Wan looked at me. “Go on; don’t let me keep you.” I said, smiling. He squeezed my hand and walked off with Siri. My smile faded as I watched them. They were matched in stride and height. They seemed more perfect for each other than Obi-Wan and I did. I wondered if maybe Obi-Wan had made a mistake in marrying me. Did he love her like she loved him? I could see it in her eyes every time she looked at him. Did he regret marrying me? If given the chance, would he leave me for Siri? I don’t know why I started questioning it now; I guess it’d always been in the back of my mind for ten years and I just never really thought about it. If I’d really been thinking, I would have known that Obi-Wan would never leave me for somebody else, except if I died or left him. I sighed and returned to my work.

“The Council got a tip that Asajj is on Genian.” Siri said.

“Who gave the tip?” Obi-Wan asked.

“Talesan; remember him?” She continued. “Anyway, Asajj was supposedly seen with a bounty hunter named…Magus I think. Talesan said that Magus killed his parents several years ago.”

“So are we going after them?” Obi-Wan asked again.

“Not just us. Anakin and Senator Amidala are going along.” She said.

Obi-Wan stopped. “Senator Amidala? What for?”

Siri shrugged and continued on. Obi-Wan resumed walking with her. “We can’t have a Senator tagging along with us. That’s dangerous” He continued.

“She asked to go. Don’t ask me why, Kenobi.” Siri said as they arrived at the Council chambers. Mace and Yoda were standing by the door.

“Master Windu, Master Yoda. Siri filled me in on the details. When do we leave?” Obi-Wan asked.

Mace and Yoda looked at each other. “That is why we asked you to come. The Council doesn’t believe you should be put on this mission.”

Obi-Wan was taken aback. “Why?”

“Your feelings…in turmoil they are.” Yoda said. “Trusted they cannot be.”

“Master Yoda, I am the one Asajj would expect. I can keep my emotions in control. Please allow me to go.” Obi-Wan pleaded.

Yoda and Mace looked at each other then at Siri. “Consider this again, we will. But make our decision final should we, circumvent us, do not.” Yoda said sternly. Obi-Wan and Siri excused themselves and left.

“I don’t know if you should have done that” Siri said as soon as they were out of earshot.

“I can’t just sit around while Asajj is on the loose; especially after what she did.” His hands clinched into fists.

“How is Petra?” Siri asked, trying to divert his thoughts.

“She’s fine. She still has nightmares about it though. I have to say, I’m not entirely over it myself. Sometimes I don’t know whether it’s me or her screaming at night…” He stopped. What he just said implied that we were living together.

“She’s not your concern, Kenobi. It’s not like you’re married to her.” Siri said walking on. Obi-Wan grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him.

“Why do you think we’re married?” He asked, fire lighting up his eyes.

She shrugged. “Just saying. It’s not like I know for sure.” She arched an eyebrow at him. “Unless there’s something you’d like to tell me.”

He looked around then lowered his voice. “We’re married. We have been ever since Qui-Gon died.”

“Obi-Wan Kenobi, I’m shocked at you. Married!” Siri said with feigned surprise, raising a hand to her cheek.

“Shh, keep your voice down. If the Council finds out about this they’ll expel me.” He said.

Siri smirked. “I could be the one to tell them. I should you know; it’s my duty as a fellow Jedi.”

“Siri please don’t; I’m begging you. You’d be….”

“Master Yoda and Master Windu would like to see you both right away” a young Jedi said, walking up.

“We’ll be there in a moment.” Obi-Wan replied passively. The young Jedi nodded and walked away.

“Okay, I won’t say anything about this to the Council, but you better not make me regret it.” She gave him a glare then walked back to the Council chambers.

He sighed and took off after her. “This decision, reached it lightly we have not. Assigned you are for this mission.” Yoda said as they walked up.

“Master Yoda, I will not let the Council down.” Obi-Wan replied.

Siri crossed her arms. “Master Yoda, I have a concern I’d like to share with you.”

Obi-Wan looked sharply at her. “You told me you wouldn’t.”

She ignored him and stepped closer to Yoda, whispering in his ear. He nodded as she stepped away. “Agreed. Go with you and young Skywalker, Siri will. She has the right to keep you from going after Asajj if she believes you will lose your control, understood?” Obi-Wan nodded. “May the Force be with you” Yoda said as he turned back into the Council chambers.

Obi-Wan and Siri walked off together. “You really thought I’d tell them about you and Skywalker?”

“Well, yeah. I mean the way you said it sounded like that was what you were going to say.” He replied.

“Tell me something, Kenobi: how much do you love Petra?” She stopped and crossed her arms again.

“A lot; I, I don’t know if I can describe how much. Why?” He answered.

She shrugged. “Just wondering, even though it’s pretty evident on your face.”

“Evident, how?” He asked.

“Like the way your eyes sparkle when you mention her name or how your eyes light up when she walks into the room; or how a smile forms when you hear her mentioned in a conversation. Just now, when I asked you about Petra your whole face lit up.” Siri said, with some jealousy evident in her tone.

“I guess I need to work on that then.” Obi-Wan replied. He walked off, leaving Siri alone. She looked after him, longing filling her for just a moment. How was it that someone else could steal his heart and she couldn’t? Siri thought.

“Petra, I’m home.” Obi-Wan said as he walked into our quarters.

“I’m in the kitchen.” I replied. I looked up from the cutting board as he walked into the kitchen. He kissed me on the cheek and hugged me.

“I love you.” He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“I love you too, Kenobi, but what’s wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing, Siri and I were just talking.” He replied distantly.

“I won’t ask.” I scraped the vegetables I was cutting into the pan and stirred them.

“Tomorrow we’re going after Asajj. I don’t know when I’ll be back.” He sighed and rested his head on my shoulder.

“What’s wrong then?” I asked, worry edging my tone.

“Just a feeling I have about the mission; something tells me…just forget it. I have to tell Anakin.” He pulled away.

“He’s in his quarters” I replied, watching him leave. Something was out of place; a bad feeling you could say. I hoped with all that was in me that Anakin and Obi-Wan would come back safely and in one piece. Anakin already had a severed right arm from his duel with Count Dooku, and Obi-Wan still had pains from his sessions with Asajj. Even though my nightmares were starting to subside, there would still be nights that I couldn’t sleep or I would be asleep then wake up. Obi-Wan seemed to have worst nightmares then I did though; I worried about him whenever he was away or even at home. I sighed. I hoped this would be the last time Obi-wan would have to face Asajj.
Dinner was unusually quiet, even though Padme was eating with us. All three of them were leaving early in the morning so dinner was over quickly and there was little visiting. About 7:30 Obi-wan went to bed. I joined him, not because I was tired but because I never knew when my last night with him would be, so I just laid beside him as he held me. I eventually fell asleep and didn’t know when Obi-Wan left the next morning. When I woke up, he was gone.

“Coordinates set, hyperdrive ready” Siri said as she sat in the copilot’s seat beside Obi-Wan.

“Engage the hyperdrive on my mark…mark.” Obi-Wan said and Siri flipped the lever to throw the ship into hyperspace.

“I still believe this is dangerous for you, Senator.” Obi-Wan said and turned around to look at Padme.

“Master Kenobi, I know you have concerns but believe me, I can take care of myself.” She looked over at Anakin and smiled. Obi-Wan then looked at Anakin and Anakin shrugged innocently. Obi-Wan shook his head and leaned back in the seat.

Several hours later, they had landed and met up with Talesan, who told them exactly where Asajj had been spotted. Obi-Wan insisted on going in alone but Siri of course threatened him with our secret so he backed off.

Two days came and went and Obi-Wan still wasn’t home. I asked Malee every morning when I went into work if she had heard anything.

“Actually I have.” She said grimly. “They’re on their way back now.”

“Obi-Wan…is he all right?” I asked, panic edging my tone.

“He’s fine, Petra.” She placed a hand on my shoulder but she had no sooner said the words when Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padme walked into the infirmary. Siri wasn’t with them.

I ran over to Obi-Wan and hugged him, not caring who noticed. When he didn’t embrace me back, I looked at Anakin. Anakin shook his head and pulled me aside. “Siri was killed by the bounty hunter who was with Asajj. Obi-Wan nearly killed him and nearly turned to the Dark Side. He let the piece of scum live though.”

I didn’t know what to say. What was there to say? I turned around to hug Obi-Wan again but he was nowhere in sight.

“Malee where did he go?” I asked her. In his understandable state, there was no telling where he’d go.

“He took off for your quarters. You should go after him.” She said sadly. I nodded and ran to our quarters. Obi-Wan was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

I sat next to him wrapping my arms around him. I suddenly realized just how broken up he was as I felt his body gently shake with sobs. I was on the verge of tears too, not because I was close to Siri but because it was breaking my heart to see Obi-Wan so upset. “I knew something bad would happen, I just didn’t think…” he trailed off. “This is my fault.”

I didn’t know how Siri had died but I had a feeling it was just an accident. “It wasn’t your fault.”

“You don’t even know, Skywalker. Leave me alone.” He stood up angrily and went into the bedroom. Hardly had he spoken to me so harshly and so curtly than he just did. I considered going after him but I had a feeling it’d be best if I just let him grieve. There was little I could do but be there when he decided to open up.

Three days later, Obi-Wan was still in a down mood and he didn’t talk to either me or Anakin. He wouldn’t eat or drink, and my worry kept growing when he turned down two assignments to go after Asajj.

“Maybe you should try talking to him again” Anakin said as we walked around the Temple.

“I wish he’d open up to me voluntarily. I’ve never seen him this depressed” I replied. I rubbed my forehead in frustration.

“Was he this upset over Qui-Gon’s death?” Anakin asked.

I shook my head. “Upset yes; not depressed.”

“Why?” He looked at me.

“What do you mean? He wasn’t depressed because…because he had me to lean on.” I said the last part slowly and thoughtfully.

“So don’t you think you should try talking to him? Maybe he’s feeling alone.” Anakin patted my shoulder and walked off. I sighed then slowly started back to our quarters. This would be interesting.

As I walked in, I heard a lot of noise. When I opened the door I realized what it was: pots and pans being thrown around. I nearly turned around and left but I stopped when a red-faced, crying Obi-Wan stepped out of the kitchen. Obi-Wan had never, and I mean NEVER lost his temper like this. When he saw me, it seemed as though my presence just infuriated him more.

“What are you doing here?” He yelled.

“I…to talk to you. “ I answered softly and calmly.

“Why?” He shouted back.

He also had never raised his voice at me like this and it was turning my usually strong heart into butter. “Because of what happened; I…”

“You don’t need to know what happened; you’re like Siri; your curiosity can’t ever be satisfied. Now move out of the way.” He started towards me and though I knew he would never strike me, I held my hands out in front of me, which slowed him down but didn’t stop him. This was ridiculous.

“Listen to me, Kenobi, you’re not the first person to lose somebody he loved. Just don’t act like this, please.” The pleading in my voice did little to deter him. He only kept trying to leave, at which I kept pushing him back, and finally I pushed him back so hard out of frustration that he landed squarely on the couch.

“What was that for?” He asked puzzled.

“Don’t yell at me and then ask why I shoved you. Get a hold of yourself, people die.” I answered, my voice raised but firm.

For a minute, all that could be heard in the room was the sound of our breathing. He didn’t do anything but look at me with shock on his face. I knew why: I had never raised my voice with him or shoved him in any way. “Listen Kenobi; I’m sorry I said it that way but the way you’ve been acting is terrible. Throwing things and getting angry won’t change the fact that Siri’s dead.”

For yet another minute, nothing happened. Then, a floodgate of tears opened on Obi-Wan’s end. He leaned forward with his head in his hands crying. I sat beside him on the couch and held him, letting him cry against me. “You know, I’m always here if you need to talk to me; and I want to talk to you about this; I hate to see you go through this alone.”

“You can’t understand; I can’t…I can’t tell you.” He answered in-between sobs.

“Maybe I can’t understand but I want to know so I can help you. That’s what marriage is about, Kenobi.” I leaned my head against his and stroked his face. Gradually his body stopped shaking from sobs and I heard him sigh softly and soon after that, I heard his even breathing. He was asleep for the first time in days, and I hoped it would be a peaceful sleep.

The next day, we ended up spending almost the entire day just talking. Eventually he talked about Siri’s death, and hard for him though it was, it seemed to help him a little knowing I knew more about it. The bond he and Siri had shared was obviously a strong and deep one, but from what I could tell, Obi-Wan wasn’t as much in love with Siri as he was with me. He showed me the blue warming crystal Siri had given him before she died, and he even confessed they told each other ‘I love you’ one last time, which for some reason didn’t really bother me as I thought it would.

I decided to do something rather unusual for me a week after the day Obi-Wan finally opened up to me. I asked Malee for a sample of Siri’s DNA; when she asked why I simply told her I wanted to do some checking on her history. Dubious as she was, she allowed me a sample of Siri’s DNA from the archive computer. I examined it alongside my own and though the results were astounding, for some reason they didn’t really amaze me. I just didn’t know if I was ready to reveal this secret to Obi-Wan and Anakin yet. To be honest, I wasn’t even ready for it…

Oh wow, where to begin?

Obi-wan needs a hug!! *group hug*

Awww that was really cute and sad and sweet :(

And AUUUGH That was a horrible cliffie! ;)

Great entry Obi :p
Part 5

The newest banner is on page 1; made by Daydream Believer. It's also in my siggy.

“Push, Petra.” Malee said. She was in our quarters helping me give birth to mine and Obi-Wan’s third child. “Just one more and you’re done.”

I pushed hard and soon heard a baby’s cry. “It’s a girl!” I heard her say. I opened my eyes and saw a pink, wrinkly bundle in Malee’s arms with some tufts of red hair. Immediately her crying became louder.

Malee handed her to me and I held her close, which seemed to calm her down. She settled against me and fell quiet. “Have you heard anything else from Obi-Wan or Anakin?”

Malee shook her head. “No. Unfortunately the Council has no new reports. It may be that they’re too busy fighting the Separatists to send word, although I can’t imagine Obi-Wan not checking in with the council. Your baby is healthy, but I want you to rest for a couple of days, all right?’

I nodded sleepily and closed my eyes. She fed the baby, burped her then laid her back beside me. A couple of days later, I was allowed to return to work. I hadn’t thought of a name for the baby; I didn’t want to name her without Obi-Wan. I was busy at work when I received a message on my computer saying that I was needed in the Senate. I was understandably puzzled, though I imagined it was Padme asking for me since she was pregnant. I told Malee where I was going, asked her to watch the baby and went on my way to the Senate building. Little did I realize that I was walking myself into another trap, this time set by General Grievous.

When I woke up, I found myself in a dark cell with red lights around the top. My head ached, my sides hurt and I felt sore all over. I felt the floor around me; thankfully it was dry but very cold; from the feel of the floor it seemed to be that either I was in a building or a ship. I groaned inwardly; how did I always manage to get myself into this kind of thing?

I fell asleep, but for how long I couldn’t tell. I was woken by the sound of battle droids coming down the hall to my cell. “This is the one.” I heard a droid say.

“Roger, roger” I heard another say in response. I rolled my eyes; at least clone troopers were intelligent; these were downright dumb. “You, get up now” one of them said. I reluctantly made my way to my feet, which was not as painful as I had anticipated. They all leveled their guns at me, but since I had no weapon, and my head was hurting enough to make me forget my Jedi training, it wasn’t necessary. They prodded me into an elevator, which presently made its way up to the bridge. There, I was confronted by General Grievous, the cyborg Obi-Wan had been after several times. “Very nice of you to join us, Skywalker. Soon your husband and brother will be mine!” He said menacingly. How he ever found out the relationship between me and Obi-Wan I don’t really know, but I figured Dooku had informed him.

“General, we found the Jedi; they’re in hallway 328” a battle droid said.

“Activate ray shields” Grievous replied, coughing.

“Ray shields active General; our troops are moving in on them.”

Grievous rubbed his hands together. “Good, good. Now it is only a matter of time.”