My Front Porch Looking In (Star Wars Prequel Re-write)

A Jedi's Confession (Feb. 5)

I rolled my eyes at Obi-Wan; he didn’t seem to take offense. We sat in silence for several minutes. I didn’t even want to look in his eyes because I knew that once I did, I’d tell him how I really felt about our situation…and him.

“I remember the first time I had to fight. I was scared to death.” Obi-Wan said, his tone sounding concerned and understanding.

“Who’s scared?” I said, scoffing. But I knew he could see through my act.

“You know, you don’t have to be brave for me or anybody else.” He replied, keeping his voice soft. “I know you’re scared; I would be too if I were you.”

“Are you saying that I’m a coward?” I said somewhat angrily.

“No, no, that’s not it at all. I think you’re very courageous for leaving your mother and traveling several thousand lightyears away from her with your brother. To see strength in one so young is not common.” His blue-gray eyes locked with my sapphire blue ones.

Oh no, he knows what I feel. I can see it in his eyes. “Thank you.” I managed to get out, then I realized I wasn’t breathing. I had to consciously make myself start breathing again. What was it about him that made me get so flustered?

“But as much as I can, I will protect you. With everything that’s in me” He offered. And I knew he would do just what he said.

“Why?” I said, shaken back to reality.

“Because I…it’s my creed as a Jedi to protect those who cannot protect themselves.” He stammered.

Was he about to say, ‘because I love you?’ or was it something else entirely? I shrugged my shoulders. “Well, thanks but I think I can protect myself.”

His face fell slightly. “Maybe, but it’s my job to protect you and your brother.”

I laughed slightly, catching him off guard. “What?” He said confused.

“You…You were going to say something else than what you just said to me about it being your creed as a Jedi to protect those who can’t protect themselves.”

“I was not.” He said taken aback.

“Whatever you say, Kenobi.” I said laughing again.

“Well, it…I….” he said, his face turning a slight shade of red. “I love you.”
okay that was cute :D

I just watched A New Hope yesterday, Obi-Wan is still really cool when he's old ;)
I've finally found some spare time to catch up on my reading. And I am glad to say that I have finished reading the 5th page. (Boy, am I falling behind!)

I have to say, I rarely have such a fun time reading romance. Usually I hate it. But Aravis, you do a very good job with it. :)

But I found one thing confusing. It was the use of first person narrative. You do a fine job overall, though it somehow seems a little awkward when you write about Obi-Wan and Siri talking, then suddenly say something like "he couldn't decide between Siri and I" or something like that. But that may just be me. I would find it more natural if you alternated between 1st and 3rd person, depending on the situation. Yet I'm no writer, so do it whatever way you find best. :)
(haha, sorry, I update a lot)

And thanks. :)

Well, my goal for this story was for it to be a diary written by Petra to us, her audience. Therefore, most of the 1st person in narrative referring to other people (like you mentioned) is used because Obi-Wan had related things to her so she told it like she already knew...I see how that can be confusing without an explanation. but for the sequel, which has some plot lines I don't want to reveal yet, the 1st may switch to 3rd. I haven't decided yet, mainly because I'm far from that point in the sequel as of right now and I'm not sure how I want to finish the sequel up.
Obi-Wan relating everything would make sense. I wonder why I didn't see that? I hope I could catch up with the rest of the story soon.
Don't worry, I won't update for 3 or four more days, lol. :D

I have a couple of friends who asked me that same question, though, so don't feel bad. :) But they got to read it before the first part was done...I'm not letting them do that with the sequel. :p
I noticed that too but I figured it was more of Petra looking back and Obi-wan had explained some things to her
A Kiss and An Invasion (Feb. 8th)

I knew it! But to hear him say it for himself was different than I expected. I was planning on making some smart remark about it but I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t say anything. Here was a man who obviously cared deeply about the Jedi and about someone who he couldn’t’ have. It wasn’t’ the time for a smart remark. I nearly forgot about what he said as I felt him move closer to me, I wanted to move but I couldn’t. It seemed like I was held to my place against the tree. His lips brushed lightly against mine. He looked into my eyes. Without really knowing what I was doing, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me, capturing his lips with mine. Ten seconds later, I started coming back to my senses and I ended the kiss.

“I…I shouldn’t have done that” I said pulling away from him and standing up. My lips still felt like they were on fire; my cheeks flustered.

He didn’t look up at me. “I’m sorry too.” He stood up and walked back to the group, his head drooping slightly. Qui-Gon walked over.

“What’s wrong?” He asked me.

“Nothing.” I said, looking down at my feet.

I felt his hand on my shoulder. “I saw what happened. I know he loves you.”

“It’s just an infatuation. It’ll pass in time.” But deep down, I knew Qui-Gon was right.

His hand cupped my chin and forced me to look at him. I never realized that his eyes were blue as well, though they were more blue than gray. But I also saw something else I didn’t see before: love. Oh wonderful; not only was Obi-Wan head over heels for me, Qui-Gon was in the same boat. This day was just getting better and better…NOT.

His head bent closer to mine and before I realized it, his lips were touching mine. But this time, I didn’t wait. I didn’t hesitate to pull away. He was somewhat handsome, but he wasn’t Obi-Wan. He and Obi-Wan were too different. Besides….he was just a little older than 8 years my senior. I walked back to the group, joining Anakin and Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon shook his head. “Why did I do that?” he asked himself before walking back to us. I averted my gaze from his and Obi-Wan’s. I couldn’t bear to look either of them in the eyes after what just happened.

Padme and the others were discussing plans to invade the palace, but I wasn’t listening. My mind was swirling with the memory of the passionate kiss with Obi-Wan; the gentle, light kiss of Qui-Gon.

“Petra?” Obi-Wan asked, but I didn’t hear him…until I felt a nudge in my ribs. “Petra?”

“What?” I said annoyed.

Padme tossed me a blaster. “I hope you can shoot.” She said with a small smile on her face.

“If you want, I can help you learn to shoot it” obi-Wan said.

“I think I can handle it.” I said with no amusement or sarcasm in my eyes and voice. I wasn’t going to give him the pleasure of being alone with me again.

We and every person with us, except for the Gungans, made our way to the palace of Theed. We split up into about four groups; I was with Padme, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Qui-gon.

“Once we get inside you find a safe place to hide and stay there.” Qui-Gon said bending down towards Anakin.

“Sure.” Anakin said.

“Stay there” Qui-Gon said again just to make sure he got the point. He stood up and looked at me. I avoided his gaze but I knew what he wanted me to do; keep firing and don’t stop until he or Padme said so. Obi-Wan was standing right next to me and I felt him place his hand on my shoulder, reassuring me somehow. I looked into his eyes and the only thing I saw there was love. The love I knew he had for me. For some reason, I was okay with that.
Into Battle (Feb. 11th)

Padme signaled to another group at the far end of the plaza. They signaled back, saying they were ready. Silence for a moment, then blasts of laser fire and blasters firing. We made our way across the plaza, the Jedi with their lightsabers ignited, to the main hangar bay. Surprisingly, I hardly missed one droid or target. Padme used a code to open the hangar doors and we were in. We were the first group to enter while a second and third group followed us.

“Get to your ships!” Padme shouted.


Nute Gunray, Rune Haako and several other council members are watching the battle in the plaza. Oh, didn’t I mention them? Sorry. Guess I didn’t. While heading back to Naboo, Obi-Wan filled me in on what had happened prior to our meeting. Nute and Rune were part of the Trade Federation, which had blocked Naboo’s trade. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were sent to try to negotiate a treaty but instead, were nearly assassinated. Being Jedi though, they got out safely and ended up down on the planet, where they met Jar Jar. After making their way to the Theed Palace, they and the Queen were headed for Coruscant. They were involved in a space battle above the planet and the hyperdrive was severely damaged, so they landed on Tattoine, and you already know what happened after that. Anyway…back to current times.

“I thought the battle was going to take place far from here. This is too close!” Rune said desperately. Frankly, he was a lot safer than any of us were.

Pilots ran past us to yellow fighter ships on our left and right. I felt an elbow in my side and looked up at Qui-Gon.

“Get to cover.”

“But…” I began.

“I said get to cover.” He said firmly, but without losing his concentration on taking down droids and deflecting blaster bolts. I rolled my eyes and found a hiding place under a ship. It lifted off so I was left without cover. I moved to another place, behind a pillar and stayed there, heart beating, wondering how long this would last. I looked down at my hands and saw that they were shaking. Whether it was from fear or nervousness I didn’t know. All I knew was that I was ready for this thing to be over.

Anakin had darted under another ship, but it too lifted off and he climbed into an empty one, a ship that had Artoo as the R2 unit behind the cockpit. I stayed where I was, catching my breath. It wasn’t easy and for once *I think I was losing my mind* I longed to be back in between Obi-Wan’s protective and warm arms. Was I falling in love with him? I didn’t know.

While I was lost in thought, they had gotten the situation under control and the gunfire had ceased. Obi-Wan and Qui-gon moved with the Queen and some guards toward the other end of the hangar.

I started out from my hiding place to join them, and Anakin stood up in his cockpit.

“Hey, wait for me!” He shouted.

“Stay in that cockpit.” Qui-gon said, looking at Anakin, then at me. I stopped and stepped back, knowing that warning was for me too.

“But I…” Anakin began.

“Stay in that cockpit, Ani.” Qui-gon replied, just as firm as he had been earlier. As Obi-Wan passed me, his eyes locked with mine. I pleaded with him inwardly to stay, even though all the firing had stopped. He shook his head slightly at me and I felt reassurance in my spirit. I don’t know how or where it came from, but I felt like everything would be okay.
The Death of a Jedi (Feb. 14th)

As the group headed towards the door at the far end, they opened to reveal a black-robed figure. The Sith that had attacked Qui-gon on Tattoine was here. His name was Darth Maul; he was the apprentice of Darth Sidious. And…he was deadly; very deadly.

“We’ll handle this.” Qui-gon said as calm as if he was talking to Obi-Wan.

Padme nodded. “We’ll take the long way” and her group broke to the left and proceeded down another hallway. Darth Maul lowered his hood from his several-horned head; Qui-gon and Obi-Wan removed their robes as he removed his. Darth Maul ignited his double bladed lightsaber, the Jedi ignited theirs. At the far end of the hangar, nearest Anakin, six destroyer droids roll in and start firing at Padme and her group. They fired back, but of course, their shield generators were nearly impenetrable.

“We gotta do something, Artoo!” Anakin said to the little astro droid. Artoo beeped in response. “Where’s the trigger on this thing?” He said as he pressed a button that started the engines. “Oops, wrong one; maybe it’s this one.” He pressed another button, which closed the cockpit. He presses another button and it’s the right one. “Yes!” He shouts as he blasts all the destroyer droids down. He was already out of the hangar before I realized where he went. I yelled at him but knew it didn’t do any good as he flew out of the hangar and into the battle up above the planet. There was one ship left in the hangar. I could probably pilot it and follow him but I stayed behind. I sat down on a crate and waited. I heard a strange noise and looked behind me. I saw Obi-Wan, Qui-gon and Darth Maul battling each other, their blue and green lightsabers flashing in contrast with his red one. They soon moved out of sight, and a few minutes out of that, out of hearing. I sighed. I was starting to feel the effects of hyperspace and being on the go constantly. Even my short naps in the ship didn’t help me much. I felt worn down, not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well.

To keep you from being bored with the tale of Anakin fighting in space and Padme fighting on the ground, I will only tell in detail the battle of the Jedi and Sith, which some of it I saw with my own eyes. Soon I grew curious and followed them from a distance, though I had to actually climb the levels instead of just jumping them as they did. But in the end, I would see something that I’d regret.

The Jedi and Sith were fairly evenly matched. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon fought together fluently and flawlessly, but Darth Maul was equally aggressive, yet used a subtle tactic: make the Jedi tire. There were so many ramps and levels to whatever part of the building we were in that he was able to jump on different levels and cause the Jedi to follow him, using some of their own force strength against them. The battle came somewhat to a halt at the energy barriers. While Obi-Wan was at the end, separated from the other two, Qui-Gon and Darth Maul were facing each other, a barrier separating them. Darth Maul paced back and forth impatiently, eager to finish off his opponents as Qui-Gon knelt in battle meditation. He knew what was coming and wanted to be prepared. Once the barriers lowered, Qui-gon sprung into action, igniting his lightsaber and he and Darth Maul resumed their fierce fight. Obi-Wan ran to join them, and he nearly made it except that a barrier blocked his path. He could do nothing but watch the fight helplessly.

I was on the same level as they were, and I could hear the lightsabers. I followed the sound and found myself unable to get to it. I saw Obi-Wan’s back and his ignited lightsaber and I could catch glimpses of Qui-gon and Darth Maul.

Then, the sound stopped for a few seconds. I heard a near earth shattering, “NO!” come from Obi-Wan’s mouth. Darth Maul paced in front of him and I could see the smug look of partial victory on his face. Qui-gon…I knew something happened. Had he been killed or wounded? I couldn’t help but feel helpless and upset. Obi-Wan re-ignited his lightsaber and as the barriers lowered, he moved to attack Darth Maul and I tried to get to them, but like Obi-Wan, I was stopped by a barrier at the end. He and Maul were at it fiercely, Obi-Wan’s anger starting to seep through. Maul force shoved Obi-Wan back into the pit that was there but Obi-Wan was able to hang onto a projection on the side. I could see Qui-Gon laying there, a wound dead center *no pun intended* in his stomach. I couldn’t’ tell if he was dead or not. I hoped he wasn’t. The barrier lowered and I knelt quickly by his side. Maul was distracted by my entrance and turned towards me. Obi-Wan used the distraction as he used the Force to call Qui-Gon’s lightsaber to him and vault out of the pit and over Darth Maul, surprising him. Obi-Wan struck from left to right, cutting Maul in half and sending him back into the pit in two pieces.

“Petra?” Qui-gon said weakly. His blue eyes looked up at my tear-filled ones. “You should have stayed put.”

“I couldn’t let you have all the fun” I said, smiling slightly. He smiled back at me, and for one minute, I wished I had let him kiss me longer. I felt Obi-Wan next to me and I moved down as he cradled Qui-Gon in his arms. I placed my hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder.

“It’s too late…it’s” Qui-gon said, his breathing ragged and shallow.

Obi-Wan was crying. “No.”

“Obi-Wan, promise…promise me you will train the boy.”

“Yes master” Obi-Wan said as he nodded.

“He…is the Chosen One. He will bring balance. Train him.” Qui-gon said.

Qui-gon’s eyes shifted to me. “And take care of her, whatever you do.”

I was hoping to post a happy entry, but instead got this. Sorry about depressing you on Valentine's Day
The Wedding (Feb. 16th)

He stopped breathing and died. I placed my arm around Obi-Wan’s shoulder.

“This is all my fault.” He said between tears.

“Don’t be ridiculous; none of this is your fault” I said, trying to reassure him.

He gently released Qui-gon and then to my surprise, he latched onto me. With his head resting on my chest, I rested mine on the top of his and wrapped my arms around him. “I wish I could have saved him.” He said, his voice somewhat muffled because of our position.

“You can’t control death.” I said softly.

“But still…”

“Obi-Wan, look at me.” I said, raising my head. He raised his head and looked at me.

“I think Qui-Gon knew he was going to die soon.”

He shook his head. “I know that but I didn’t think that it would be so soon.”

“Kenobi, we can’t hold on to anything or anyone forever. Everyone dies and we have to accept that.” Were these words coming out of MY mouth?

“Come on, we need to go.” He stood up and wiped the tears off his face and out of his eyes. He offered me his hand and helped me up.

I looked at him. “What about Qui-Gon?”

“The guards can take care of his body. I have to inform the council.” He walked off, lowering the barriers and keeping them lowered. I walked beside him back down the corridors, back into the hangar. He excused himself and went to a nearby computer console and contacted the Jedi Council. The pilots that had been fighting in the space battle had returned and they were talking about something. Anakin rushed over to me.

“I blew up the droid control ship! All the droids were disabled.” He was beaming but I could honestly have cared less. My face must have shown it. “What’s wrong, sis?”

I shook my head. “Qui-Gon…he was killed.”

Obi-Wan walked back over to me. “I need to talk to you.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me away to the side. “I know this is strange and believe me, I don’t’ know why I’m asking this, but…”

“Kenobi, spit it out.” I said, wondering why he pulled me to the side.

“Will you marry me? I love you and I know you’ll probably say no but I have to ask before I lose the courage to do so.”

My mouth dropped open. How could he ask me that so soon? It’s something I wanted him to ask, but not now.

“I know what you’re thinking; I shouldn’t be asking this so soon after just what happened. But, if we don’t do this now we won’t have a chance to do it until we’re back on Coruscant and it’d be more likely we can keep it secret here.”

I was silent for a few minutes. “Yes, I will.”

Obi-Wan left without another word. I shrugged and walked back to Anakin.

Obi-Wan came back several minutes later and motioned for me to join him. “Anakin, I’ll be back. Stay here.” I said.

He nodded as I walked towards Obi-Wan. “Come on.” He grabbed my hand.

“Where are we going?”

“Just come on.” He led me through dark corridors out to a balcony, where a man was there.

Before I realized what was happen, we were saying our vows and we were married.

“You may kiss the bride” the Holy Man said as he raised his hand in blessing of us. Obi-Wan cupped my face with his hands and kissed me. The Holy Man left with the vow of keeping silent. We stayed on the balcony for a few minutes.

“We should go back. Anakin will get curious.” I said, staring up at the beautiful blue skies. He was still holding my hand.

“You’re beautiful when you’re watching the sky.”

“Thanks but I really think we should go.” I looked at him, then removed my hand from his. We walked back to the others; Anakin hugged me. I hugged him back. Padme returned with her group, who had Rune and Nute in custody. She then excused herself to go get changed into her formal outfits.

“Where did you and Obi-Wan go?” Anakin asked me.

“Just out on a balcony; we were watching the sights.” I answered, dodging the real reason.

“Why couldn’t I come?” He asked, pressing me further.

“We just needed to talk about a few things.” I looked up at Obi-wan. He nodded at me.

To wrap things up here, the other Jedi from the Council arrived and Obi-Wan was asked to meet immediately with Yoda. Yoda reluctantly granted him permission to train Anakin. Once that was finished, we all went to the amphitheater for Qui-gon’s funeral. His body was burned as we looked on. The next day, the people of Naboo and the Gungans threw a celebration in honor of the peace agreement between the two cultures. As I stood with Obi-Wan and Anakin, I was filled with uncertainty. I was starting to fall head over heels in love with Obi-Wan but I knew that life as a Jedi’s wife and sister would be hard. But with Obi-Wan and Anakin by my side, I’ll be okay. At least, I think I will…


A\N: I know this is a lot, but I thought y'all would like a happy post after that depressing one, lol. :D
Going Home (Feb. 19th)

This part of our story starts the night of the celebrations on Naboo. Obi-Wan, myself, Anakin, and the rest of the Jedi returned to Coruscant after most of the celebrations and parades ended. Obi-Wan directed us to his quarters within the Jedi Temple, which had two small bedrooms and was like a small apartment. It also had a fold-out couch in the living room.

“You and Anakin can have the bedrooms, and I can take the couch” He said, graciously offering me an alternative to sleeping in the same room and bed with him.

“Obi-Wan, I can sleep on the couch” I said, not wanting to kick him out of his own bed.

He looked shocked. “I can’t ask you to do that.”

I smiled. “I’ve slept on worse.”

It seemed to put his mind at ease. “Well, if you two want to get settled in I have to go take care of some things.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and then walked out, leaving Anakin and I alone. I pulled the couch out and rummaged around for sheets and blankets. I found them in a closet in the main bedroom and Anakin helped me make the bed. He tossed his backpack in a chair and I grabbed his and mine nightclothes. I only had one set of clothes, the ones I was wearing, but Anakin had his Padawan robes. He went to the fresher and changed into his pajamas while I took a look around. There was, as I said, one bedroom with a king-sized bed *why Obi-Wan had such a large bed was something I never found out*another bedroom with a twin sized bed, a kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom. I tucked Anakin in and he was asleep within a few minutes. I thought about changing into my pajamas, but I decided to stay dressed until Obi-Wan got back. I grabbed my hair brush and took my hair down out of the braided twist. It had been up like that for two days so it was nice to let it down for once. Once it was down I brushed it, not realizing how tangled it was. In a few minutes though, I had it brushed out and tangle free. I thought of braiding it again but then decided against it. I went to the kitchen and made myself a snack. As I sat back down in the living room, Obi-Wan walked in, quietly shutting the door behind him.

“I thought you’d be in bed.” He said as he sat next to me.

“I wanted to wait until you got home.” I replied, as I munched on the crackers, and not realizing that I had just called this strange new place ‘home’. I offered the crackers to him and he took one. We sat in silence for a while.

I stood up, setting the plate on the chair I’d been sitting on. “Do you mind if I take a shower?”

Author's Note (or A\N): I actually just revised this a day or so ago, realizing I had some things I needed to either add, clear up, or just erase completely. So you're lucky. :p

EDIT: after you read this and the next part, there is a continuinity error. I apologize for that as it concerns the sleeping arrangements.
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I remember this story from a long time a galaxy far far away..or something like that :D
I do like it better in the non-script form, but somehow I felt like the plot and characters were a little more developed in the other version..this one seems a little rushed? Unless I am confusing your story with another..nevertheless, I will be back for the update!
well, I don't remember if you read it then because it was a REALLY long time ago...but I do remember your username. :D Thanks for the input. Some of it's rushed because since she didn't write about some events at the time, she didn't remember it all, and really, since this is her diary, I didn't feel the need to develop the characters too much, since she'd feel no need to. Really. The only reason I had her address us is because I couldn't think of another way to start off this part of her diary. :)