Odd Coincidences in 2001

The Narnia Addict said:
This is the most GARBAGE I have ever heard. The flight number IS NOT Q33NY, it is FLIGHT 11 (You copied it yourself!) .This is on almost every freakin rumour site.
I'm not saying I believe it...but
Wouldn't there have been like 3 or 4 flight numbers?
Because there were 4 plane crashes...one for each of the twin towers, one for the pentagon, and one that smashed into the field in PA. So that would mean there is 4 flight numbers so that would mean that one could've been flight#11 and one could've been Q33NY...right? Correct me if I'm wrong
The Narnia Addict said:
Nope. When Q33NY is spelled out in Wingdings (Fake) there is only ONE plane hitting a tower. Since both are upright, it is the first one. Flight 11.
I don't think I understand you...'Since both are upright'????
The Narnia Addict said:
If you dont even know, then this was obviously copied off of a site. The skull and crossbones mark death, and the Jewish star represents other religions.
um excuse me i didnt say i found it out myself did i? so i dont think u hav the right to start telling me wot ive don, i admit my friend gave me the info and i fort it was interesting how was i supposed 2 know if it was fake or not, and if u were 2 correct me i wud much rather u do it in a nice way and not being a jerk about it.
well ive been really ticked of by u acting lyk u everything bout this 9/11 thing which u dont, these r just ideas its not sayin there real, and i dont care wot u say u r being a jerk bout it all
I'm sorry, but, I just need to ask this question, and I am NOT trying to be rude, I just want to know where you saw people stereotyping things that are muslim? I'm just curious.