Potc Rpg

oxford girl

New member
This is a POTC rpg. I know there were a few of these, but they died. :( So here' s knew one!! you cant be anyone from the three movies of make your own characture!

Same as for everything else, keep it family friendly


Sam-oxford girl-profile page 1
Anna-Frodosgurl-profile page 1
Erik-Frodosgurl-profile page 1

To make your own person fill this out:

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Count me in!

Name: Anna
Age: 13
Bio: Just turned thirteen Anna sets off to find Jack Sparrow. She wants to be a pirate and knows Jack is one of the best. Being so young her brother and dearest friend Erik went with her.
pic: http://www.halloweenscene.com/mm5/graphics/00000001/60696 Pirate vest female.jpg

Name: Erik
Age: 16
Bio: It's bad enough work is taking most of his attension now after his parents death he's gotta take care of his 13 year old sister Anna who dreams of nothing more than being a pirate. Finally agreeing to let her go and find this Sparrow guy he makes a discison to go with her and be a pirate too.
pic: http://www.halloweenscene.com/mm5/graphics/00000001/60695 Pirate vest male.jpg
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Arr here ya go Maty

Name: Jackie Jones.
Bio: she is the sister of Cia and the daughter of Davy Jones she is all most tough to put you down with one finger she mostly talks to her pet rat chees and her sister Cia.
Looks: she have long brown hair and ocean blue eyes and light tan skin.
I'll join!

Name: Cia Jones
Age: 20
Looks: Her eyes are blue. She can change her hair color at any time, taking on any personality she wishes. Pale skin which is unusual for a daughter of Davy Jones.
Bio: Cia first met Jack Sparrow in Tortuga, when he tried to seduce her. She of course, refused and left him but was struck in love from this pirate. She was rather clumsy on the Flying Dutchman until this Jack Sparrow arrived and asked a favor of Davy Jones, to raise his beloved Pearl from the depths. A bargain was reached and Cia just stared at him. Jack snuck back and met in Cia's cabin. The next morning Cia snuck Jack to his ship but she was pregnant with his child. Cia also controls the Kraken and can breathe underwater. She hasn't given birth to the baby yet, and her father doesn't suspect yet......

Her sister is Jackie who talks to her rat.
Jackie was walking with her pat rat Chesse when she heard someone call her name.
" AR who goes there?,"She ask,
But there wasn't anyone around so she went on the ship were he sister was.
occ: so were exactly are we, at the black pearl right?

Will layed his back agaisnt the side edge of the ship, sitting on the floor as he felt hungry than ever. Not to bother and head to the kitchen, full of rats, there's not even a fresh aple to eat.
"Jack!!.." he called..."We need to stop on some island and get food!.." He shouted. Im starving...
Jack: "*sniff* *sniff* Aye, aye Will! Oh wait o' mate, teher's a bunch o' left over foods at the bottom. OYA! WILL SOMEBODY GET THE LEFT OVERS AT THE BOTTOM! SOMEBODY! NOW! he he he...not to worry master Will"
Erik and Anna were talking about her dream.

"You can't be serious!" Erik shouted.

"Can and am." Anna said folding her arms.

"Pirating? Sis that's to risky! What if we were found out?" Erik asked shocked.

"Would you keep it down! You're gonna make it risky if you don't be quiet. Now are you gonna help me find this Captain Sparrow or just stay here by yourself?" Anna said bodly yet quietly.

"How on earth do you plan on finding him?" Erik asked.

"Tortuga." Anna answered.

"Fine. I'll go." Erik finally said.

Anna ran over and hugged him.

"Thank you!" she exclaimed happily.
Cia snapped her fingers and changed her hair to a redhead. She braided it down the back, tying it with a piece of seaweed. "Jackie," She started. "I'm going to find Jack. I have to speak with him. Tell Father anything you wish, but do NOT tell him I went to find Captain Sparrow." She ran back to her cabin and changed to a simple, but strangely elegant dress that would pass her off as a daughter of a Governor or a British Naval Captain. As she looked in the mirror she thought, 'I'm gonna have to find Jack before the baby is born.'
"I see an Island" she said pointing towards the vast sea but faintly behind the mist an Island became visible. "Finally some fresh water and food" she said telling the ship mates to steer towards that direction.
Anna and Erik borded the next ship to Tortuga. The still last free pirate port.

Erik walked infront of Anna because of all the stuff being thrown.

He mumbled under his breath, "Bloody pirates."

Anna just stared at him. She was still hoping to find Captain Sparrow.