Potc Rpg

Jack stared at the kid. "Ah, ah little matey. How yeh doin'? Be careful here, eh. Ther is a Serena girl here, she's ugly, me swear." Jack winked at the kid.
"I think yer'd be better off looking for a different crew, mateys. he'll treat yer nothin but rotten, and dont blame me when yer come crin after someone else." Serena laughed at their shocked faces.
"Sorry, Jackie, never meant no harm." Serena said turning to face her, then turning back to the kids. "I'm sorry if i said anything insulting." She simled at them, then turned to stand behind Jackie.
She smiled.
" Arr then we are ready to go to the navy's ship,"She told er,
She patted her pet rat on his head with a frown on her face now.
Andrew smiled and took Jackie by her hand.
" You know you won't be a priate any more,"He told her.

Jackie turn to look at the girl with a giggle.
" Arr he only joke Matey he like to do that to his new crew,"She told her.
"Good, because i will never strand from my pirate band mateys, ever though i am starting to sound ever so posh!" as she said posh she put on a really fancy accent,then burst laughing. "So anyway me mateys, ba bye for now, missing you already!!!!!!"