
You got MAGNETO????Oh man,you control metal:eek:(and you're evil.Hehe)

Yikes!:p I don't see how I got him, though, since I certainly didn't choose the "heavy metal music" option.

I think I scored well on the cliche-o-meter because I don't have any elves or dwarves or vampires, but I disagree about some things that are said to be cliche. Like having a hero fighting the villain. That's not "cliche". That's...necessary! (Fortunately 'hero vs. villain' wasn't on the quiz. It seemed more sensible about it, actually. I do agree that the "farm boy lives with uncle and joins good guys after uncle is killed" thing is rather overused.)

And I might as well post another quiz!:p
For the Star Wars fans:http://www.gotoquiz.com/which_jedi_are_you_5
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I was Magneto (whoever he is.:eek:)

Here's a very interesting quiz "The Cliche-o-meter for Fantasy Writers."
(And it quotes C.S. Lewis!:D)


My Emerald story went through with 8% cliche (pretty good!) and The Sea Snake got a 12% cliche.

I got 17% for one that's not technically fantasy

12% for the Bower which is a fantasy story (nice :D)

14% for another story
I got Teal Cat as well, and don't worry about your story, don't take test results too seriously ;)

these were the rest of my results in order
Blue Fox
Silver and Red Wolf
Gold Falcon
Ocre and Gray Dolphin
Red Jaguar
Yellow Trout
Tan Giraffe
I'm courage on the positive quality one

I'm the loveable rogue on the hero one, that's what I wanted :D :p

and I got the Loyal Sidekick on the archetype one this time...
Wow. Lots to reply to here.:p

Here's a very interesting quiz "The Cliche-o-meter for Fantasy Writers."
(And it quotes C.S. Lewis!)


My Emerald story went through with 8% cliche (pretty good!) and The Sea Snake got a 12% cliche.

One of my stories got 17%. The Fall of Yaltzar was 8%. But neither of them are fantasies so it probably wasn't that accurate.

Qui-Gon Jinn! And then Obi-Wan Kenobi! My two favorites!

Here's a quiz too.I got "Teal Cat":
And another one:Which Positive Quality Are You:

Ocre and Gray Dolphin for the animal one. Whatever that means.
Faith for the positive quality. I'm not sure I agree with that. Maybe. Oh, well.

Some more random quizzes.:p
http://www.gotoquiz.com/which_fantasy_archetype_are_you (A very expanded version of the one on movienachos.com.)
http://www.gotoquiz.com/what_type_of_hero_are_you_2 (Which type of hero are you quiz.)

The Loyal Sidekick again.:D
Unwilling Hero. Second place, Willing Hero. Figure that out!:D
For people who love art,and want to find thier artist "counterpart":
I got Monet.
So did I.

I've never seen it (or even heard of it, except in your album:eek:), but I took it and got somebody called Sokka or something like that.:p
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