Soooo, what'd'ya get?

lets see...

I got:
Xena season 2! yay
Sarah McLachlan cd
my final Tori Amos cd (my collection is complete!)
a designer watch
a new dvd player (it doesn't work that well so I'm trading it in soon)
a cd boombox player
Nick and Norah's infinite Playlist DVD
25$ to Barnes and Noble= Squire by Tamora Pierce, On Writing by Steven King, and Star Wars Truce at Bakura
25$ to Macy's
15$ to Starbucks
10$ to Walmart
Pearl Jam's new album Backspacer
new combat boots :D
an angel ornament
Writing to the Bone (a writer's help book)
the Second Pocket Muse by Monica Wood
a fairy notebook
a Hello Kitty lamp (so cute!)
some mace (dont ask my mom is weird)
one of those things that hides bra straps ( :rolleyes: )
some candy and nuts in a cool little jar
a whole lot of gum (I mean A LOT)
Tori Amos' Christmas album
some silly putty
a snazzy cool new toothbrush

and watching my family and friend's faces when they opened gifts from me. Totally my favorite part, especially when my little sister got her car!
I'll just list as much as I can remember

starting with my stocking:
an addition to my little Christmas town decoration :D
Doctor who Audio stuff :p (8th doctor, gotta love it!)

then the rest of the stuff
jewelry (bracelets, a necklace, hoop earrings!)
A Cavaliers hat
more additions to my Christmas town :p
Dalek Earrings
TARDIS earrings
a journal shaped like the TARDIS!!
A picture signed by Peter Purves! (I give you cookies if you can tell me correctly who Peter Purves is :D)
A Doctor Who T-Shirt (it's awesome, it has all 11 Doctors on it)
A Doctor Who Calendar
A Hawk Nelson CD (Live Life Loud)
A Superchick CD to replace the one I lost a long time ago
Socks (yes!!)
and our friend got us a Wii for our whole family
I also got a toy from my borther. I don't know what it's called, but it's these little wooden peices that fit together in a certain way. There's like a trick to putting them together or taking them apart. I spent the whole afternoon wiggling this piece and jiggling that piece and playing with it.

Actually, Twilightdryadhobbit got one of those for fish_wwjd_frog, I thought it was funny you got one too ;)

I got:
An Italian Bible (La Sacra Bibbia). I can understand about a third of it in passages I'm familiar with.
Two other books.
Some fuzzy socks.
A Borders gift card.
A pair of slightly dangly horse earrings that get caught in my hair but I love anyway.
A CD of church songs sung by the Harding choir.
A Celtic Thunder CD that has an extra song on it that's not listed or on the library copy. Not that I'm complaining.

Fuzzy socks are awesome
so is a Borders gift card
and dangly earrings
:eek: .... what is the extra song?

Apparently I've been very good this year, I ended up getting around 30 books, a movie (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince), gloves and some t-shirts.

ha ha! lotsa books! good movie ;)
Four episodes of Star Trek the original series on DVD.
Airhead by Meg Cabot
Being Nikki by Meg Cabot
John Lennon: The Life by Phillip Norman
Susan Boyle I Dreamed a Dream CD
Michael Jackson Bad CD
Michael Jackson Dangerous CD
Michael Jackson HIStory DVD
John Lennon Instant Karma All TIme Greatest Hits three CD set
John Lennon Collector's Edition three CD set
The Beatles Greatest Hits 1962-1966 two CD set
The Beatles t-shirt
The Beatles blanket
+Anima Volume Ten
Cirque Du Freak manga volume 1 & 2
What I've bought so far with mah Christmas money:
Regina Spektor's Far (her new album)
Left 4 Dead 2 (I've been zombie slaying for the last couple hours)
And an antique Army Dress Jacket, like what they'd wear to dinners and stuff, and it's a legit one, so it used to belong to someone. I don't know for which time period though.

Btw, on the jacket there's a Star of David with an A in the middle of it. The etching is in red too. What does this stand for?
My family doesn't do Christmas gifts (and I'm too old for them anyway.)

I agree u r never to old for Christmas gifts NEVER!!! :D

Apparently I've been very good this year, I ended up getting around 30 books

:eek: 30 books!!!, I wish I could get 30 books :D sometimes I don't like my country for not having the coulture of constant reading, almost all the books I've read I had downloaded them forom internet cus I can't find them anywhere here ugh... :mad:
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I got a mp3 player that plays videos (YAY!), a coach purse that apperaently is fake (BOO!) LOL, a beautiful jewelry holder with the nativity scene on it (OOH!), a fuzzy carosel poster(CooL) and a ... Uh.. What are those things called.. Big top cupcake pan thing? The giant cupcake thing on TV! (YAY).
I also got a little braver in most every way this Christmas from hanging out with my aunt a lot.. Haha, that can be a good AND a very bad thing, but yeah.
Merry Late Christmas!
Mewsie got a great gift. Lucky her. Can you send it to Poland? Please?
I got books!!! Five of them, to be exact. And a black shirt, a vial of cinnamon perfume. And a few little knicknacks. :)

Probably the best gift I got was the smile of a little girl at my school when I gave her some of my Christmas candy. That was my best present (hope that didn't sound preachy and cliche, but oh well).
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A laptop, money, two pillows, a jump drive, a chocolate computer (rather small, but pure chocolate), a Jars of Clay CD, a couple of necklaces, and candy.
Now that Santa decided to get on my good side, maybe next year he'll get me a newer laptop. Not that I am complaining about the PS3 cause now I can start buying blue ray discs!! Although I don't watch a lot of movies.:rolleyes:

After years of neglect (socks, ties with his picture on them, pen sets, coffee mugs, and fuzzy slippers) he's finally turning around!!
I got an iPod touch! That was sooo exciting. I would've been more than happy with that, but my parents also got me Switchfoot and BarlowGirl's latest albums, National Treasure 2, a Nancy Drew Game, a shirt, and a pair of pajamas.

My grandmother and her boyfriend :)p) got me a really nice hat, scarf, and gloves set, as well as an iTunes giftcard. And my sister gave me a beautiful pair of earrings. =]

I count this Christmas as a HUGE success. :D
Our friends in Europe may post now. Tell us what you got for Christmas!!:D
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