Summary of The Last Battle


New member
I can't find a summary on the internet which i think is good and gives a short but precise meaning of the book.

So if anyone could give a short summary in just 10 lines or something, and the tell what is happening in the end of the narnia story.

Thank you :)
Not very long after "The Silver Chair" in Earthly time, but generations later by Narnian time, Eustace and Jill are called back to Narnia to join its last king, the righteous Tirian, in his last stand against evil. Heathen Calormenes, with the aid of a treasonous Narnian Talking Ape, have disrupted Narnian society by tricking many Narnians into believing that Aslan's nature has changed. Tash, the demon worshipped by the Calormenes, is behind it all. Tirian and the children are finally unable to prevent the invasion and conquest of Narnia; but it turns out that what really mattered was everyone having the chance to decide whose side they were on. Aslan--clearly understood to be Jesus Christ--brings the Narnian world to an end, and all who were faithful to Him find themselves in Heaven; this includes not only Tirian, Eustace and Jill, but Professor Kirke, his friend Polly, and all of the Pevensies except Susan--because they died in a train crash. Susan is left in mortal life because she needs more time to get right with God.
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Good, except that Tash is not originally involved - it's all out of the evil Ape's head to begin with, and neither the wicked Talking Cat nor the Calormene general who subsequently take over actually believe in Tash at all. Unfortunately for them and for all concerned, name-dropping Tash even when you do not believe in him is a very bad idea.

Heaven, in this book, consists of an ideal and unspoiled Narnia - of which the previous Narnia was only a poor copy - and also an ideal and unspoiled England, and countless other countries and worlds besides, all linked in such a manner that whoever lives there can eventually see them all if they like.
Malacandra, you're right that there is no definite statement that Tash was involved from the start. I'm guilty of putting in my own inference--although, given the nature of the fallen spirits, it's not an unreasonable inference--that Tash would have been aware of Shift's actions, and would himself have somehow prompted some of his nominal worshippers to get in contact with Shift.
Copperfox there is another small error in your blurb about the Last Battle, compared to all the other times, The Earth time between the Silver Chair and LB was at least triple what they were used to. Think about it, according to all the books I have read on the subject, Lucy was about 9-10 yrs. old when first going to Narnia. In PC, she was a year older and again a year older in VotDT. The Silver Chair happened less than an Earth year after that putting her, at most, at 14 yrs. old. By the time she died, she was old enough to be out of School (17-18 or slightly older).
I would say:
As the years passed in our world, so too they passed in Narnia. Eventually, there came one final trip for Eustace and Jill to their beloved Narnia. It came during a period of extreme distress, where Calormenes and and a renegade Ape where reaking havoc with the plan of completely overthrowing Narnia. Tirian, the king of Narnia, and the loyal Narnians with Jill and Eustace's help were able to offer a conciderable fight for Narnia's Last Stand. It all seemed lost, and indeed all was for the world of Narnia came to an end that night.​