Ted Dekker

oxford girl

New member
Who has read any of Ted Dekker's book? They are absolutly amazing books, with a Christain message. I've read Thr3e, Blink, Skin, Black, Red, White, Obssessed, Heaven's Wager, Showdown and Saint. So what books have you read, and what did you think of them?
I'm not a fan.:eek:
But I've read "Blink" and "Saint"..Saint was pretty good....:)
I saw Saint at the library and tried it.Is Showdown related?:confused:
I didn't care for his writing style...Its similiar to Kathryn Mackel,but I love her books...Sorry..:eek:
Yeah. Showdown comes before Saint. What books has she written, I've ever heard of her.

Maybe I can find Showdown at the library....
Kathryn Mackels terrific!!!!!!Shes written a Sci-fi series "Outriders" and ..I forget the sequel's name....:eek:,"The Hidden","the Surrogate",and "The Departed".She has a new one out now "Vanished",but I haven't gotten to read it yet.:)
I've read "Obsessed". It was pretty good. I just got "Thr3e," but I haven't read it yet, although I have seen the movie. And I've read "House" (half by him, LOL).

I like Frank Peretti better. Ted Dekker's style is kind of complicated. :p
I posted this elsewhere but since there is a thread here on Ted Dekker, I will sort of repost it.

I have read Ted Dekker and like his books a lot. I do have to say that I like Frank Peretti better, but I really just finished and loved the book "House" that was co-authored by Dekker and Peretti and it is being made into a movie. Look forward to that.
I posted this elsewhere but since there is a thread here on Ted Dekker, I will sort of repost it.

I have read Ted Dekker and like his books a lot. I do have to say that I like Frank Peretti better, but I really just finished and loved the book "House" that was co-authored by Dekker and Peretti and it is being made into a movie. Look forward to that.

House is an amazing book. Its probably my favorite. I have read almost all of Peretti's books, I like them all
I loved House. I love all of Ted Dekker's books. I have some of Perretti's but haven't gotten around to reading them yet.

Maybe I can find Showdown at the library....
Kathryn Mackels terrific!!!!!!Shes written a Sci-fi series "Outriders" and ..I forget the sequel's name....:eek:,"The Hidden","the Surrogate",and "The Departed".She has a new one out now "Vanished",but I haven't gotten to read it yet.:)
I live the Outriders....the second one is "Trackers"...I haven't been able to buy her other ones yet.
I've only read Blink and it was brilliant! Love the author's style and the action-packed feel of it!
What most stuck in my mind was when the girl (i forget her name :eek:) tells him that the world thinks with the mind and thus doesn't believe in God, when really they should be thinking with their hearts. Something like that... does anyone have the quote for this? (I only borrowed the book from a library)
I can find it later. I have the book. If you have a nook I can lend the Ebooks i have of his to you. I have almost all of his hard copies. Except one.
What most stuck in my mind was when the girl (iI forget her name :eek:) tells him that the world thinks with the mind and thus doesn't believe in God, when really they should be thinking with their hearts. Something like that... does anyone have the quote for this?

I don't have that quote, but I have a quote from the prophet Jeremiah: "The heart (not "the mind") is deceitful above all things, and desperately corrupt." Every thief and murderer who ever lived has followed his heart. We need more to go by than mere feelings.
A few years ago I read The Lost Books series and liked them. Recently, my interest in Dekker's books was re-ignited and I read Black, Red, White and Green. Besides books by Lewis and Tolkien these were the first adult fiction books that I loved, all the rest were interesting, but not amazing. THESE four were. So, now I'm re-reading the Lost Books to see how they fit in with the Circle. Those are the only books by him that I've read, but I think they're great. They have Christian themes so well interwoven within the pages of the story that it captures you, and sometimes makes you think in ways you hadn't before. I would most definitely read them again and perhaps own them (I just need some more bookshelves!:p:D).
I don't have that quote, but I have a quote from the prophet Jeremiah: "The heart (not "the mind") is deceitful above all things, and desperately corrupt." Every thief and murderer who ever lived has followed his heart. We need more to go by than mere feelings.

But that wasn't what the author meant. Sorry, I didn't explain it properly but what was meant in the passage was that the world tries to explain creation by facts and physics as opposed to there being Someone who created it. What the girl was implying was that instead of people trying to explain how the world exists, they must instead realise that it is not humanly explainable, that our minds cannot comprehend the wonders of a divine being. People must instead have faith in their hearts and accept that the wonders of the universe are in the hands of an indescribable God.
But that wasn't what the author meant. Sorry, I didn't explain it properly but what was meant in the passage was that the world tries to explain creation by facts and physics as opposed to there being Someone who created it. What the girl was implying was that instead of people trying to explain how the world exists, they must instead realise that it is not humanly explainable, that our minds cannot comprehend the wonders of a divine being. People must instead have faith in their hearts and accept that the wonders of the universe are in the hands of an indescribable God.
It should also be pointed out that the main girl in the book was from an Arab country. But didn't want to be like them.
Here's a link to the book on Goodreads.

I'm not allowed to read many of his books but I have read Obsessed, Blink, The Myrter Song, part of Saint,... and I think thats all...

A few years ago I read The Lost Books series and liked them. Recently, my interest in Dekker's books was re-ignited and I read Black, Red, White and Green. Besides books by Lewis and Tolkien these were the first adult fiction books that I loved, all the rest were interesting, but not amazing. THESE four were. So, now I'm re-reading the Lost Books to see how they fit in with the Circle. Those are the only books by him that I've read, but I think they're great. They have Christian themes so well interwoven within the pages of the story that it captures you, and sometimes makes you think in ways you hadn't before. I would most definitely read them again and perhaps own them (I just need some more bookshelves!:p:D).

The first book I read of his was Black. I was hooked. I recommend reading his "Books if Mortals" series (the third will be out this year) and his new series "Outlaw"---the first segment you can get free and read more about the series here:
I know how you feel about needing more bookshelves.

Here is a picture of when I met him in Grand Rapids back in November after driving two hours.


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