"The 6th Strand" A Rowan Hood FF

Yep, it's me again with another fanfic. And now it's not Celtic Thunder *gasp*
But probably a very few have actually heard of Rowan Hood there's a series of books by Nancy Springer and this is my fanfic about it. It takes place around the middle of the last book, "Rowan Hood Returns". Here's a link with some info on Rowan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tales_of_Rowan_Hood
Without further ado I give you "The 6th Strand" A Rowan Hood FanFic

The 6th Strand​

Gone. Gone forever. Gone. Dead. Murdered. Those were the words that were going through my head that horrible, horrible day.
I was alone. Utterly and completely alone. I had nothing. No place. No one.
Riding through Sherwood Forest, I tried to forget. Tried to forget the scene. Tried to forget the feelings, the words, the actions.
It was impossible. That moment was forever burned into my mind, my life, my heart.
After it had happened, I ran out to the stable, out of impulse I suppose, and grabbed the first horse that I came to.
I had not stopped riding. Not even when the horse started foaming with sweat and began slowing down. Not even when my back hurt from leaning forward or when my hands started bleeding from clenching the reins so horribly tight.
Not even now, when it began to rain. I just whipped the horse harder and leaned farther forward.
I could hear my brothers voice in my head, “Florin, think! You’re being foolish.”
I shook the statement out of my head. Maybe I was being foolish but that didn’t matter. I was going to run. Run far, and long. I had to run. It was the only thing I could do. Nothing else. Just run.
The rain grew heavier and I started getting cold, but it was almost as if I was unaware of anything else in the forest except me and the horse. Maybe not even me.
Our pace began to slow. To a slow gallop at first but I was determined to keep going. I kicked the horse, “Stupid animal! I should have gone on foot.” I screamed.
At that moment, a thunder clap loud enough to shake all of Sherwood Forest and the lands beyond sounded from the ominous clouds above me. The horse gave a scream of its own and with what seemed like no effort at all reared up, catapulting me off its back.
I landed several feet away on top of a gorse bush. The thorns on it did not help my landing, scratching my already bleeding hands as I struggled painfully to a sitting position.
The noise was still great and the rain was as heavy as ever. I was soaked through to the bone and most importantly, I heard neither the whinnying nor snorting of a horse.

I know not when I fell asleep or how I ended up laying flat on the ground with my back against a tree. My soaked attire was still on me which meant I had not had the misfortune of having been sighted be a thief with an appetite for my clothing. I worked out in my head that I must have just gotten up without knowing and fallen asleep against this giant…this giant what? What was this tree I was leaning against? And where in the name of Sherwood Forest was I?
I thought to myself, Now, Florin, you have no idea whatsoever what you’re going to do, nor how you are going to do it. I knew nothing of the horse. It had probably gotten itself stolen along the trail back to the lord’s manor. I told myself I didn’t need it, which was true? I had no need of a horse. That wouldn’t do me any good at all.
I started to raise myself up when I felt a sharp pain in my side. Oh, toads! I must have injured my ribs when I landed. At the time I felt no pain but it was probably kept at bay on count of the extreme confusion that I had felt last night, or early this morning rather.
With no possible way to find out where I was nor how to get back to my home I was practically helpless. I hated being helpless. Edmund, my brother, knew that. If only-. No, I would not feel sorry for myself. That would be the worst thing I could. I had to move, to work, to do something. Curses, I thought to myself, how could I have gotten myself into this stinking mess and how in the Sheriff’s name was I supposed to get out.

There's the first two parts. I'll have to get some readers before I post more.
Love it! *waits patiently for more*

What the heck is wrong with me? Patiently? Somethings wrong with my brain today. Somethings wrong with my brain everyday...