The Adverts


Knight of Narnia
Staff member
Knight of the Noble Order
Is the adverts (ads, for us Americans) ribbon on the page something that Paul (Specter) decided to do? or am I the only one seeing it? LOL! If this is something that Paul decided to do then for sure I would click on them. After all, I do about 60% of my shopping online and if I can support this forum while am it, the better.

If you click on an advert, could you post here which one and what did you browse or purchased? It would be fun to see what everyone is checking out and the result.
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Okay yeah, I seem to have noticed them about the same time as you did. I'm pretty weirded out. XD But if it's something Specter thinks is necessary I'm totally cool with it, just a little surprised is all.
Okay yeah, I seem to have noticed them about the same time as you did. I'm pretty weirded out. XD But if it's something Specter thinks is necessary I'm totally cool with it, just a little surprised is all.
I was weirded out too! I started checking out my settings, trying different browsers, uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox and Chrome and blaming it on the new Google Privacy terms. I even made protest signs against the NSA and pointed them at web cam, just to be sure I had all my bases covered, hahaha! But seriously, if admin thinks we need this, I'm cool with it too.

EDIT: I just clicked on the Battlefield 4 ad and it looks like a cool game!
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I'm pretty sure Paul decided to fire them up because he's been paying for this site out of his own pocket for years. They probably don't generate any income beyond what's required to run the site.
I also see the adverts. As long as our management _consented_ to them, they don't upset me. What _would_ upset me would be if it was done forcibly somehow by one of those armies of spambots we've been getting here lately.
Speaking of which, I had to delete a slew of 140 or so false registrations that were being added at a phenomenal rate.

What's really scary about them is that they did not drop into the queue for moderator approval. They entered the system directly as approved accounts.


There is a reason why I'm not always around here eating spammers, haunting the spiritual threads, writing stories or japing about. After seven years of dedicated service here at TDL two things happened this year that keep me terribly busy. First off, I'm actually Dr. John Burkitt now, with a PhD in Commissioner Service. Second I am the National Commissioner of Trail Life USA, a youth development movement with ties to Scouting. I have one book at the publisher's now and two more in development that are destined to hit the shelves by January 2014.

That's right, I'm a national figure and the demands of my office keep me hopping. I don't have time to kill bogus accounts when I'm too busy dealing with health and safety issues, promotional materials, training videos and the like.

When my official portrait gets made in uniform, I'll be glad/proud to share it with my family of Narniacs. I'll be here from time to time, but I just don't have time to be a full time purple mod anymore, and ironically I am too busy as an author to write fiction for the foreseeable future. I know that sounds weird but it's true.

See You Along the Trail,

Dr. John H. Burkitt, PhD
National Commissioner
Trail Life USA
I'm so used to seeing adverts on other sites that I didn't even notice the ones here. Also, if the Red Flaming Badger of Death can't delete fake accounts anymore, what will we do? Is the forum destined to be taken over by robots trying to sell jewelry and chocolate? *hyperventilates* But yeah, didn't even notice the adverts. Probably won't click on them.
I noticed them right away! I think PoTW is right, and they're paying to advertise, to fund the forum, but I don't think there's any benefit to TDL if we respond to them or shop with them -- except then of course they will know it's money well-spent to advertise with us.

John, I have seen your new efforts on FB and on the web, and it looks like you're doing a great job and ad admirable one. We miss you though!