The Narnian Language

its not like piglatin: now here are the guidelines to speak the Real Narnian Language:

If the word is 1 letter--example: 'a' pronounced long 'a' as in 'apple'

2 letters-- Ex: 'of' pronounced as 'foe' splet 'fo'

3 letters-- EX: 'say' take last two letters 'ay' say 'aye' then take 's' and pronounce as in 'hiss' splet ay-s'

4 letters-- 'mean' take last two letters 'an' pronoucned as 'an' in normal english. then take 'me' pronounces it as 'me' spelt 'an-me'

5 letters-- 'words' take last 3 letters 'rds' then take 'wo' and pronoucne as 'whoa, woe' spelt 'rds-wo'

6 letters-- 'people' take last 3 letters 'ple' pronoucned as 'plea' in english. then take 'peo' and spelt 'ple-peo'

7 letters and above-- 'animals' take the last 4 letters 'mals' pronoucned as 'mails' then take 'ani' prnoucned as 'anee' spelt 'mals-ani'

Plurals-------if it has a plural like "word' is a 4 letter but if it was 'words' follow 5 letter rule.

******always use - ! EX: Aslan--------Lan-as
Shieldmaiden of Narnia said:
lol wow!!! everyone luvs the new Narnia language I made up

actually, before you joined narnia, The Duffers had a language just like this is was called...uh. actually i don't remember what it was called. but it was language of the duffers!
Tell me if you can figure out what this sentence means? And don't rush to assume it's gibberish!

"Some knights and normans dare address repugnant kingly errors yet none escape scrutiny."
"Some knights and normans dare address repugnant kingly errors yet none escape scrutiny."[/QUOTE]

me-so ghts-kni nd-a mans-nor re-da ress-add nant-repug gly-kin ors-err et-y ne-no ape-esc tiny-scru
