its not like piglatin: now here are the guidelines to speak the Real Narnian Language:
If the word is 1 letter--example: 'a' pronounced long 'a' as in 'apple'
2 letters-- Ex: 'of' pronounced as 'foe' splet 'fo'
3 letters-- EX: 'say' take last two letters 'ay' say 'aye' then take 's' and pronounce as in 'hiss' splet ay-s'
4 letters-- 'mean' take last two letters 'an' pronoucned as 'an' in normal english. then take 'me' pronounces it as 'me' spelt 'an-me'
5 letters-- 'words' take last 3 letters 'rds' then take 'wo' and pronoucne as 'whoa, woe' spelt 'rds-wo'
6 letters-- 'people' take last 3 letters 'ple' pronoucned as 'plea' in english. then take 'peo' and spelt 'ple-peo'
7 letters and above-- 'animals' take the last 4 letters 'mals' pronoucned as 'mails' then take 'ani' prnoucned as 'anee' spelt 'mals-ani'
Plurals-------if it has a plural like "word' is a 4 letter but if it was 'words' follow 5 letter rule.
******always use - ! EX: Aslan--------Lan-as